Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/369

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was appointed demonstrator of anatomy in the College of Phj^sicians and Surgeons, New York, and four years after, surgeon to the New York Hospital, an office he had much coveted and which he retained up to his death. As an operator his crowning trium])h was the ligation, in 184.5, of the left subclavian artery on the inside of the scalene muscle on account of a huge aneurysm, a feat which up to that time was universally regarded as im- practicable. True, the patient did not recover, liut the operation was masterly and nothing left undone to insure favorable results. Conscientious in deal- ing with his patients, he never operated merely for the sake of operating. In con- sultations he was the wise counsellor and always a sympathizing and trusted friend and physician.

His death, in 1 851, was caused by a rare disease, phlebitis of the liver, followed by peritonitis. It is to be regretted that he left no record of his vast experience save the publication of a few brief medical papers.

He has one or two papers, among them is:

"Ligature of the Left Subclavian Artery within the Scalenus Muscle for Aneurysm," 1S4G. D. W.

Autol)iography of S. I). (!ross.

Biog. .Sketch of .1. K. Rodgers, Dr. E. Dola

field, N. Y., 1852.

N. Jersey Med. Reporter, 1S.")1, vol. v.

Rogers, Coleman (1781-1855).

Coleman Rogers was Ijorn March G, 1781, in Culpepper County, Virginia. In 1787 his father emigrated to Kentucky, and settled in Fayette County, at a place known as Bryant's Station, about five miles from Lexington. Coleman Rogers was the seventh among eleven sons and one daughter. Although six feet two inches in height and weighing usually one hundred and eighty pounds, he was one of the smallest of the family, and in early life suffered from bronchial troul)le.

But little is known of his history prior to his twenty-first year, but it is probable he only went to the local schools. At th(>

age of twenty-one he began to study medicine with Dr. Samuel Brown, of Lexington. In 1803 he went to Phila- delphia (making the journey on horse- back in twenty-three days) where he remained eighteen months for lectures at the University of Pennsylvania. Wliile there he was the ])rivate pupil of Dr. Charles Caldwell. Although qualified, poverty prevented liis graduating before leaving Pliiladelphia. On his return to Kentucky he settlotl in Danville, and formed a partnership with Dr. Ephraim McDowell. On the third of November, 1805, he was married to Jane Farrar, and in 1810 returned t(j Fayette County, where he remained until 1816, when he again went to Pliiladelphia and eventu- ally received an honorary M. D. While thei"e he was offered the position of adjunct professor of anatomy in the medical dejiartment of Transylvania University; this he decUned. In 1818 he removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he became associated Avith Dr. Daniel Drake in ])rartice, and was a colleague of Drake in the Medical C'ollege of Ohio, and one of the original incorporators of that institution. He was vice-president and professor of surgery at its organiza- tion. In 1821 he removed to Newport, Kentucky, then a village opposite Cin- cinnati; .settling finally, 1823, in Loui.s- ville, Kentucky, where he remained. He was for ten years surgeon to the Marine Hospital in Louisville.

In 1832, in connection with Drs. Harri- son, Powell and A. G. Smith, he organizeil the Louisville Medical Institute and was appointed professor of anatomy. For more than fifty years h(> was in active and successful practice.

He died February Ki. 1855, aged .seventy-foiu' years. A. G. D.

Address on Coleiiian Rogers, .M. I_) , 1JS.5."). (H y\ Bullitt).

Rogers, Henry Raymond (1822 1901).

Henry Raymond Rogers, one of Dun- kirk's most i)rominent citizens and the oldest physician in Chatauqua County, New York, was liorn in Winslow, Maine,