Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/37

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sword and drew it and the two friends galloped to his assistance. In the scuffle the officer was slightly wounded and Lafayette's coat was stained with blood. Lafayette unfortunately mis- understood the directions of his friends to proceed to Hoff where a servant and horse awaited him. He was arrest- ed at- the village of Zagorsdorf as a suspicious person, identified and re- turned to Olmutz. Dr. Huger was surrounded and captured near the scene of the rescue and treated with the utmost rigor by his captors. Dr. BoUman was arrested at the frontier and both remained in prison eight months. Lafayette was in prison for three years after this event, but was not informed of the liberation of his friends.

In 1795 Dr. Huger entered the LTni- versity of Pennsylvania to complete his medical education and graduated in 1797.

In 1798, war with France being threatened, he was commissioned a captain in the United States Army, and in 1812 he was commissioned col- onel and served in the war against England until 1815. He died in Char- leston in February, 1855, in liis eiglity- second year.

In the reception room of the Chateau Lagrange, the home of Lafayette, on one side of the chimney was, or is, a portrait of Dr. Huger. There is also a memorial medallion in the Medical Laboratory in the University of Penn- sylvania. D. W.

Figures of the Past, .losoph Quincy, Bostou. Old Penn Weekly Review, Oct. 30, 190'J.

Hun, Edward Reynolds (1842-1880).

Edward Reynolds Hun. eldest son of Dr. Thomas Hun, was born in Albany, New York, on April 17, 1842 and graduated from Harvard College in the class of 1863, receiving his professional diploma from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, 1S6G. After sevei-al months of study abroad he went into private

21 HUN

practice in Albany, and not long after- wards accepted the position of special pathologist of the New York State Luna- tic Asylum at Utica. His experience there led to his publishing a translation of Bouchard's tract on "Secondary De- generations of the Spinal Cord," which appeared in the "American Journal of Insanity" for January and April, 1869; a paper on the "Pulse of the Insane," in the same journal for January, 1870; a paper on "Hematoma Amis," in the number for July, 1870; and one on " Labio-glosso-larjmgeal Paralysis," in the issue for October, 1871 . He also pre- sented to the Medical Society of the State of New York, at its annual meeting in 1869, a complete, valuable, and well ill- ustrated paper on "Ti'ichina Spiralis."

The large amount of work he did in connection with St. Peter's, the Albany and the Child's Hospitals, the Orphan Asylums and the like, together with his ever-increasing private practice, com- pelled him to relinquish his connection with the Asylum at Utica. On the re- organization of the faculty of the Albany Medical College, in 1876, he accepted the chair of diseases of the nervous system, which he filled up to the time of his death.

Dr. Hun was an indefatigable worker, never sparing himself night or day in tlae care of the sick, and the annals of the Albany County Medical Society, together with the papers before mentioned, bear ample evidence of the interest he took in the literary and scientific departments of his profession. He was a member of the New York Neurological Society, and of the Medical Society of the State of New- York.

In 1874 he married the daughter of John B. Gale, of Troy. His widow with foiu' children survived him.

In 1876 he was thrown from his carriage, while returning from a professional call in the country, receiving injuries to his head and chest. He was unconscious for sev- eral hours, l)ut liis convalescence was fairly rapid and apparently complete. After a time, however, his general health began to fail; obscure and ill-defined