Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/376

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Xeurosesi," 1888;" Bonloilainl Insanity." Neuropathic States Invt»lvin}i Doul)t." 1890; "The Neuroses from a Demo- graphic Point of \'ie\v;'" "Washington Malaria and Pohtics as tienetic Factors," 1889; "Triple Personality;' "Sexual Hypochondriasis and Perversion of Gene- sic Instinct." 1892. T. H. S.

Atkinson's "A BiuKriipliical Diclioniiry ol ("onteinporary Anu-rican Physicans and Sur- geons," Philadelphia, 1S80, Supplement, .■^tone's "Biography of Kniinent Anioiican Physicans anil Surgeons." Indianajiolis, 1894. Minutes of Med. Soc, D. C, I'.KU Tr. Med. Soc., D. C, 1901, vol. vi.

De Rosset.

This family furnished North Carolina with six members of the medical pro- fession, all living for the most part in the City of Wilmington, and descendants of Armand De llos-set (1695-1760), M. D., University of Basel, who emigrated with his wife and three children before 1735.

Of these there were three who dis- tinguished themselves as physicians.

De Rosset, Armand John, the elder (1767-1859), graduated from Princeton, then the college of New Jersey, in 1785 and received his medical degree in 1790 from the University of Penn.sylvania. He was a pupil and a great friend of Benjamin Rush; there is preserved an interesting correspondence between them. Dr. De Rosset entered on an extensive practice in Wilmington and kept in active service for sixty-nine years. His reputation extended over the south. His last work was attending a woman of sixty-one years in confinement. For many years he was port physician of Wilmington.

De Rosset, Moses John, the younger (1796-1826), had his academic degree from the University of North Carolina in 1816 and his medical diploma from the New York (?) Medical College in 1820. He practised medicine in co-partnership with his father. In the yellow-fever epidemic of 1821 he was particularly active and skillful. Though he practised but six years before his untimely end, he left a splendid reputation.

De Rosset, Moses John (1838-1881), will) li\(>d in more modern times, was born in Pittsboro, North Carolina, July 4, 1838. His early schooling was in the city of (leneva, Switzerland, in Died- rich's Academy. After three years he spent six months in Cologne and returned from Europe in 1857, having chosen medicine as his profession. At the age of twenty-one he received his M. D. from the University of New York (1859). He was resident physician in Bellevue Hospital until the Civil War l)roke out, when he l)ecame assistant surgeon in the Confederate Army. After the war he settled in iJaltimorc where he was appointed adjvmct to the professor of chemistry in the University of Maryland antl professor of chemistry in the Dental School. In 1873 he removed to North Carolina to practice in diseases of the eye and ear, but in a few years went to New York, where he lived until just before his death in 1881. Dr. De Rosset was a remarkable student, possessing a reten- tive memory and high intellectual talents. He was a voluminous writer. He translated Bouchardat's " Annuaire" (1867) and contributed freely to journals. His last paper appeared in the " American Journal of the Medical Sciences," Octo- ber, 1878, and was entitled "The Muscle of Accommodation and its Mode of Action." The other two were Moses John De Rosset (1726-1767) and Armand John De Rosset (1807-1897).

H. A. R.

James Sprunt Historical Monograph No. 4,

by K. P. Battle.

North Carolina Med. Jour., May, 1881.

Rothrock, Abram (1806-1894).

Abram Rotluock was born on April 19, 1806, in Derry Township, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, in what was then a heavih' wooded and wild part of the state. He was accustomed from his early cViildhood to the hard work of an outdoor life, being well acquainted not only with farm work, but also the duties in his father's tannery.

One winter's morning at three a. m., Dr. Edmund Burke Patterson, of Lewistown,