Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/388

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results were considered so reniakable that the father, Hon. C. P. Buckingham, took the patient, a cliild, to New York, where it was exhibited to the most renowned surgeons of that city. They reported it to the Society of Surgeons in London, England, and it was published in the London "Lancet."

In 1828 he married Eliza Beebe, daughter of the Hon. William Beebe, of Litchfield, Connecticut. They had five children, William B.; Sarah, who died in infancy; Jolin Wadhams, Jr.; Ann Eliza; Isaac Wadhams. All of the sons were at some time partners of their father, but died early. His grandson. Dr. John E. Russell, was his partner during the last six years of his life.

Dr. Russell died of uremia March 22, 18S7, in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

He wrote and delivered many addresses before the State Medical and other socie- ties, but, from lack of appreciation of his own ability and learning, publi.shed few or none. In 1S7G at the meeting of the International Congress of Physicians and Surgeons, Prof. Gross introduced him as " the man, who, but for his extreme modesty, would have been the leading surgeon of the world."

A portrait is in possession of his grandson, Dr. John E. Russell.

S. L.

Tr. Ohio M. Soc. ('oluiiil)us, 1SS7 (F. C. Larriinore).