Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/410

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Albuquerque, New Mexico, of pulmonary tuberculosis, December 28, 1899.

His contributions to medical literature partook largely of the nature of editorials together with papers on general medicine and pediatrics.

His portrait is in the hall of the Assembly Room of the Pittsburg Free Dispensary. A. K.

Shaw, John (1778-1809).

John Shaw was born at Annapolis, Maryland, May 4, 1778, and entered St. John's College on its opening in 1789 and took his A. B. there in 1796. He began the study of medicine under Dr. John Thomas Shaaflf, of Annapolis. In 1798, while attending his first course of lec- tures at the University of Pennsylvania, he received an appointment as surgeon in the United States Navy, and sailed to Algiers. He spent about a year and a half in North Africa, holding a position which was partly medical and partly consular. While there he learned to speak Arabic, and became physician to the Bey of Tunis, Secretary of Legation and Charge d' Affaires. He returned home in the spring of 1800, but in July, 1801, left America for medical studies in Edinburgh. But early in 1803, before he had obtained his medical degree there, he was induced to go to Canada by the Earl of Selkirk, who had founded a colony. He remained in the Earl's service until 1805, when he returned to Annapolis, to practise. In February, 1807, he married and removed to Baltimore, where he joined with Davidge and Cocke in found- ing the College of Medicine of Maryland (University of Maryland), in which he held the chair of chemistry. He was treasurer of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland from 1807 to his death, which occurred at sea, Januar}- 10, 1809, at the age of thirty, from con- sumption. Dr. Shaw published a num- ber of poems, and left a manuscript of his travels and life in Africa. The for- mer were collected and republished in a volume in 1810, preceded by a biograph- ical memoir. ("Poems by John Shaw,"

Philadelphia, 1810.) His prose style is sprightly and iMitertaining, his poetry is chiell}' sentimental and patriotic and is sweet and graceful. E. F. C.

Cordcll's Historical Sketch, 1891. Medical AiiiimIh <if Maryland, f'ordi'll.

Shaw, John Cargyll (1845-1900).

John Cargyll Shaw, a New York alienist, was l)orn Se})tember 25, 1845 at St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica, and died in lirooklyn Jan- uary 23, 1900. His parents were John and Christiana Drew Shaw. After edu- cation in the local schools he came to the United States with his mother and sister when seventeen. After serving with a wholesale druggist in New York, and attending lectures on chemistry, he studied medicine under Dr. George K. Smith and in 1874 took his M. D. from the College of Physicians and Surgeons. He took great interest in studying the histology and pathology of the nervous system in the laboratory of Dr. Satter- waith and Prof. Seguin and became clinical assistant to the latter at the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

He was appointed neurologist at St. Peter's Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, and filled the position of medical superintendent of the Lunatic Asylum of Kings County, where he instituted and carried out many needed and praise- worthy reforms. He was ai)pointed lecturer on the diseases of the nervous system at the Long Island College Hospi- tal, and advanced to the position of clini- cal professor of the mind and the nervous system, increasing his reputation in the field of clinical instruction. Twice presi- dent of the New York Neurological Society, he was also elected president in 1893 of the Medical Society of the countj' of Kings and consulting physician to the State Hospital for the Insane, Poughkeep- sie. New York and occupied the position of neurologist in: St. Peter's Hospital, the Long Island College Hospital, the Brook- lyn Hospital, St. Catherine Hospital, the Long Island Throat Hospital, the Brook- lyn Eye and Ear Hospital, and the Kings County Hospital. He held membership