Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/42

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at Danville, and at Smithfalls in Canada, where he had a hrge country practice. Two daughters, Kate Campbell and Mabeth, were born in Canada, and for the sake of tlicir education he moved to Mrs. Hurd's old home at Newburyport, where in 1872 a son, Randolph Campbell, was born. Of these three children the elder daughter and the son became doctors.

In 1SS3 he was one of the organizers of the Anna Jacques Hospital and a member of its staff as long as he lived. His office practice brought him much sur- gery, as he was harbor physician for many j'cars, and was often obliged to amputate frozen feet or crushed hands, or to sew up long scalp wounds by flickering gas light, assisted only by one of his chil- dren. His success was excellent, because he was a quick operator and used plenty of hot water even before the modern rules of antisepsis had been formulated.

For many years Dr. Hurd was city physician, doing strenuous work for tri- fling pay because of his love for the poor. He was for two years president of the Essex North District Medical Society; member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, and also of the Climatological Society, and of the Soci6t6 de M^decine Pratique de Paris, France.

After 1SS2 Dr. Hurd contributed reg- ularly to the "New York Medical Rec- ord " and the " Boston Medical and Sur- gical Journal" and other medical publi- cations. His waitings from 1885 until his death in 1899 are outlined in the fol- lowing list of translations interspersed with articles for the medical 'journals: 1855, Translated from the French: "Clinical Therapeutics," by Dujardin- Beaumetz, with special introduction by the author.

1886, "Diseases of the Lungs," by Ger- main See, with introduction.

1886, "Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines," Dujardin-Beaumetz.

1886, "Diseases of the Heart," two volumes, Dujardin-Beaumetz.

1886, "Infectious Diseases," by Carl Liebermeister, two volumes (from the German).

1887, "Diseases of the Liver," Du- jardin-Beaumetz.

1888, "Diseases of the Kidneys," Du- jardin-Beaumetz.

1888, "Diseases of the Nervous Sys- tem," by Prof. Charcot, with special preface by the author.

1889, "Appendicitis and Perityphlitis," by Dr. Charles Talamon.

1889, "The Bacterial Poisons," by Dr. Gamaleia.

1889, "A Treatise on Diphtheria," by Dr. H. Bourgcs.

1890, "A Treatise on Fractures," by Prof. A. D^sprfe.

1891, A brochure on "Sleep, Insomnia and Hypnotics."

1892, Translated "Antiseptic Thera- peutics, " by E. L. Trouessart.

1893, Translated "New Medications," two volumes, by Dujardin-Beaumetz.

From 1893 until his death he constantly wrote for medical journals. During these years he was professor of pathology and dermatology at the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Boston, and de- livered courses of lectures in both these subjects every year. He never took any vacation, and his recreation consisted in the study of Greek and Latin authors and French poets. Every Sunday after- noon, when possible, he devoted a couple of hours to reading aloud with a friend the stirring Homeric poems, or lighter verse from Horace.

He died of pneumonia February 24, 1899, aged sixty-one.

K. C. H. M.

From an Autobiography in "History of Essex County," Massachusetts.

Hutchison, Edwin (1840-1887).

There is a piece of very concrete biography embodied in St. Elizabeth's Hospital at Utica, New York, a biog- raphy in short of one who in spite of personal ill-health and short years was long remembered for his ability as an ophthalmologist and as founder of the hospital mentioned.

The son of one Holmes Hutchinson of Utica, he was educated in James Lorn-