Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/459

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bed well, but never woke to his earthly friends.

Papers :

"Medical Practice in the Bible." (" Transactions ^^merican Medical Associ- ation," vol. ix.)

" Deep Seated Ulcer of the Os Uteri as a Cause of Abortion." ("Detroit Re- view of Medicine and Pharmacy," vol. i.)

"Medicine and Inductive Science." (President's Address ]\Iichigan State Medical Society, 1858, "Peninsular Med- ical Joiu-nal," vol. v.)

"Scriptural Evidence of a General System of Medical Practice being taught in the Bible, and a Comparison of this Practice with Rational Medicine and Homeopathy." (Reprint from "Penin- sular Medical Journal," 1857.) L. C.

Transactions Mich. State Med. Soc, 1888, Detroit, Mich.

Steiner, Lewis H. (1827-1892).

Dr. Steiner, librarian of the Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, was born in Frederick City, Maryland, May 4, 1827. He was descended from German ancestors who settled in western Mary- land early in the eighteenth century. He attended Marshall College, at Mercers- burg, Pennsylvania, and took his B. A. there in 1846. The degree of A. M. was conferred upon him three times; by his alma mater in 1849, by St. James College in 1854, and by Yale in 1869. His M. D. he had from the University of Pennsyl- vania in 1849. In 1852 he removed to Baltimore, where he held the chairs of chemistry in the Maryland Medical Institute (a preparatory school) and in the Maryland College of Pharmacy. He also held the same chair later in Colum- bia College and the National Medical College, at Washington, District of Columbia, and lectured at times on natural history, physics and pharmacy. In 1861 he returned to Frederick City.

During the Civil War he was chief inspector of the United States Sanitary Commission in the Army of the Potomac. After 1868 his time was given up mostly to literary and scientific pursuits.

Dr. Steiner's death took place suddenly in his library, of apoplexy, February 18, 1 892. He was a member of the Reformed Church, and always took an active inter- est in its affairs. He left a widow, three daughters and two sons. He was a close student, an eloquent speaker, and a ready writer. At the age of twenty- four he published his first work, entitled "Physical Science." He later translated "Will's Chemical Analysis." He was assistant editor of the " American Medical Monthly." He was a meniber of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland. Ho was also a member of the American Academy of Medicine and its president in 1879. "No brighter example," says Prof. Raddatz, his biographer, "of high and earnest ardor in his country's cause, of manhood, integrity and energy, shines in the galaxy of sterling citizens which the sturdy race from which he sprang has given to our state." (For portrait, see Cordell's " History of the University of Maryland," 1907, vol. i. For list of writings, see Quinan's "Medical Annals of Baltimore," 1884.) E. F. C.

Stephen, Adam (-


A native of Scotland, Stephen was educated at Edinburgh University where it is said he studied six years, the last two "in different physical classes," and that Donald Munroe, Gregory and Stephen took away the palm in all classes of philosophy, mathematics and physic." Leaving college he passed the examina- tion for the position of naval surgeon, " but discovering that officers and men were a parcel of bears," he went as hospital-ship surgeon for the army in the expedition against Port L'Oriente. After various adventures he finally settled in Virginia.

He took part in the French and Indian War, and with another physician of Scottish birth. Dr. James Craik, accom- panied Washington on that perilous journey which terminated at Fort Necessity. The Revolution found him on the side of his adopted country. In