Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/465

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the College of Physicians and Surgeons about the year 1824.

He soon afterwards entered upon practice. He first practised in the city of New York, and married a Miss Gushing, and had four children; one son and three daughters who survived him.

In the year 1827 he founded the Northern Dispensary of New York.

He paid special attention to the most obscure affections of the heart and lungs during several years of dispensary prac- tice, and it is believed that no practitioner of New York City for many years excelled him in accuracy of diagnosis. His essay on "Cholera Infantum," which was crowned by the New York Academy of Medicine with their highest prize, is simply a record of facts and experiences gathered at the bedside through a long series of years.

In the year 1839 Stewart first became known to the profession as an author, by the publication of his translation of M. Billard's treatise on "The Diseases of Children," with an appendix of nearly one hundred pages of original matter. Stewart's treatise on "The Diseases of Children," was first published in 1841, and a second edition in 1843. His next work was entitled "The Lungs, Their Uses, and the Prevention of Their Dis- eases, with Practical Remarks on the Use of Remedies by Inhalation."

He used every opportunity of making himself acquainted with the effects of various professions, arts, trades, and callings on the respiratory organs, and presented the results to the profession in this work. He was also the author of several able articles and reviews in differ- ent medical journals, in particular his essay on "Dropsy Following Scarlatina," in the third volume of the "New York Journal of Medicine"; and his paper on "Animal Food in Cholera Infantum, and the Summer Complaints of Children," and his " Remarks on the Resuscitation of Persons Asphyxiated from Drowning," in the same journal.

About the year 1853 Dr. Stewart originated a plan for the establishment

of a hospital for children, and the in- stitution was opened in 1854, under the name of the "New York Nursery and Child's Hospital."

Though able to attend to his duties as medical examiner until July, 1864, chronic dyspepsia compelled him to retire to the country to recruit for a few weeks, but he died September 12 of that year, 1864, aged sixty-five.

C. A. L.

Tr. Med. Soc. State of New ^York, 1865 (C. A. Lee).

Stewart, James (1846-1906).

James Stewart was the son of Alex- ander Stewart by his wife, Catherine McDiarmid, and was born at Osgoode, County Russell, Ontario, on November 19, 1846. He was educated in the public school and at the Ottawa Grammar School, and in 1865 entered the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University, and graduated in 1869. He began to prac- tise medicine at L'Original, afterwards Varna, Brucefield, then Winchester. In 1883 he went to Scotland, where he obtained the quahfication of Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Edinburgh. In the same year he returned to Montreal and was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Medical Faculty of McGill University. In 1884 he became registrar of the Faculty, a post which he held till 1891, and in 1891 was appointed to the chair of clinical medicine; in 1893, to the combined chair of medicine and cUnical medicine.

In addition to these university ap- pointments he was physician to the Royal Victoria Hospital since its foun- dation; and in 1903 was president of the Association of American Physicians, and co-editor of the "Montreal Medical Journal." He died in Montreal on the sixth of October, 1906, in the sixtieth year of his age. At the time of his death he was professor of medicine in McGill University, and physician to the Royal Victoria Hospital. As well known in Vienna as in Montreal, he was the recipi-