Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/476

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principally for ophthalmic and aural surgery. He died sudilenly in Phila- delphia on April 23, 187'J, from ai)oplexy. In 1849 he married a daughter of Thomas Ritchie, the founder, in 1804, of the "Richmond Enquirer," and in 1845 of the " Wafshington Union."

D. S. L.

Trans. Amer. Mod., vol. xxiv, lS7o. Busey, Reminiscences.

Address before the Med. Soc, Wash., D. C. by Dr. Thomas Miller.

Stone, Warren, Sr. (lSOS-1872).

Warren Stone, one of New Orleans most noted surgeons was born in St. Albans, Vermont, on February 3, 1808, the son of a farmer, Peter Stone, who married Jerusha Snow\ As a lad young Warren inclined to study medicine and left home to do so under Dr. Amos Twitchell in Keene, graduating M. D. from the Medical School at Pittsfield, Massachusetts, but patients proving scanty he went off in the Amelia to New Orleans. Cholera broke out and the passengers were landed on Folly Island by Charleston, and housed there. Stone helped with the cases but had cholera also and when landed in December at New Orleans was sick, poor, and insuf- ficiently clothed. He had a very weary- ing time but faithfully fulfilled the duties of any, even a minor, position, which came along. A Dr. Thomas Hunt, who had nursed him at Folly Island and previously seen his good work, got him at last the post of assistant surgeon at the Charity Hospital. In 1836 he became resident surgeon, then lecturer on anatomy and finally professor of surgery in the University of St. Louis, which post he held until his resignation in 1872.

In 1843 he married Malvina Dunreath Johnson, of Bayou Sara, and one son, Warren, became a surgeon.

Stone was noted as much for his diag- nostic skill as his surgery; his judgment in cases properly surgical was unequalled. He did much to inculcate the propriety of opening diseased joints and improving surgical technic. He was the first to

advise thoracotomy in cases of empyema with drainage and the removal of rib in eases of liver abscess. As a writer too he was good, and ably edited "The New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal" for ten years, his articles appearing chiefly in that and the "New Orleans Montlily Medical Register." They in- cluded: "Ligature of the Femoral Ar- tery," "Ligature of the Carotid Artery," "Operation and Removal of One-half of the Inferior Maxilla," "Comminuted Fracture of the Thigh," etc. He had a most wonderful memory and never used any notes or forgot any fact he read and remembered patients who had been to him years before. He died in New Orleans on December 6, 1872, of Bright's disease.

Stone's Eminent Physicians and Surgeons.

Stone, Warren, Jr. (1843-1883).

Warren Stone, surgeon, was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1843, and was not only known as his father's son l^ut also for his own good work. Edu- cated at the Jesuit College, New Orleans, he afterwards served during the war in the Confederate Army and when he went home settled down to study medicine graduating at the University of Louisiana in 1867 and getting the appointment of professor of surgical anatomy when the Charity Hospital Medical College w'as opened in 1874. Just a year before he made what he thought to be the first recorded cure of traumatic aneurysm of the subclavian artery by digital pressure. Like his father, he gave great attention to the subject of yellow fever. When it was epidemic in Brunswick, Georgia, and the Southwest, he travelled about from one village to another healing and comforting the sick. He did not long survive the death of his father, dying on January 3, 1883, in New Orleans of Bright's disease, liis death a distinct loss to the city for he was justly regarded as one of her most accompUshed and promising

D. W.

Stone's Eminent Physicians and Surgeons