Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/540

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committee of Safety at Gen. Ward's headquarters on Cambridge Common. Hearing the British had landed at Cliarlestown he mounted his horse and rode over to Bunker Hill. He asked for the place of greatest need and danger, and, near the end of the battle when the Americans were retreating and he was trying to rally the militia he was struck by a ball in the head and instantly killed. A monument was erected by his brother masons twenty years after, but the Bunker Hill Monument now stands in its place.

G. F. B.

Abridged from a paper in the Am. Jour, of Clin. Med., June, 1909. Portrait in the Surg. -gen. lib., Washington, D. C

Washburn, Cyrus (1774-1859).

Cyrus Washburn was born November 5, 1774, at Hardwick, Massachusetts, the son of Ebenezer and Dorothy (Newhall) Washburn. Ebenezer Washburn was for forty years a school teacher and employed his time, while serving in the army of the Revolution, in teaching the soldiers. Cyrus had a common school education and at seventeen was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker, but an accident so disabled him, that he changed his plans and engaged in school teaching. While so doing he secured the means of studying medicine, with Dr. Spencer Field of Oakham, Massachusetts. His credentials for practice consisted of a certificate from his perceptor, but, twenty-nine years later, he received his M. D. from the Medical College of Castleton.

He began practice in Hardwick, Massa- chusetts, in 1800 and three years later removed to, and stayed in Vernon, Vermont.

He held a commission as justice of the peace for fifty-five years and during this time he is said to have performed the marriage ceremony about eight hundred and fifty-three times. His popularity was enhanced by certain legal re- strictions in the neighboring states. Dur- ing the first half of the last century

there was a law in both New Hamp- shire and Massachusetts that all persons desiring to be married must have such desire and intention published at three public meeting days or three Sabbath days in their respective towns. Some- times the parties so desiring to be joined in marriage resented this publicity, so they crossed the border to Vernon and sought Dr. Washburn's services. Thus the good doctor acquired a certain fame outside his profession which remains to this day. The marriage ceremony in- variably used by Dr. Washburn follows: "The marriage ceremony of Dr. Cyrus Washburn, Esq.:

Parties and relatives being agreed,

To solemn rites we will proceed.

Worthy and much respected groom and bride

That you by nuptial ties may be allied

In preparation for the endearing bands

In token of united hearts; join hands.

"Considering this union of hands, expression of a reciprocal change of heart and affection, do you mutually espouse and avouch, each the other, to be your betrothed, your married companion for life, etc.," the service ending in verse.

" Let no discordant jars your bliss destroy. But virtue, peace and love your lives employ; May Gospel faith and works be well combined. Adorn your lives and educate your mind. Where'er you dwell let virtue be your guide. And God above will bless both groom and bride To good old age may Heaven protract your span The kind assuagers of each others pain; Remember, too, all earthly joys must end, And each be .severed from your dearest friend; But death itself which earthly joys removes Still heightens virtue and true love improves Then keep the goal of happiness in mind, .And what you lack on earth, in Heaven you'll find ; Where none are married, none in marriage given, But are, as are the angels, pure in Heaven."

Dr. Washburn married first. Electa Stratton and had two children. His second wife was Rhoda Field by whom he had .six children. His third wife was Lucy Hathaway. Dr. Washburn died at the ripe age of eighty-five. C. S. C.

Washington, James Augustus (1S03- 1847). James Augustus Washington was born in the town of Kinston, North Carolina,