Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/545

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1831. "Journal of a Young Man of Mass- achusetts Captured at Sea by the British, May, 1812," Boston, 1816; "Oratio Inaug. Quam in Academia Harvardiana Habuit., 1783," Cantab, 1829; "Rise, Progress and Present State of Medicine," Boston, 1786. W. L. B.

The Jenner of America, W. M. Welch, Au Address, Phila., 1885.

.Jefferson as a vaccinator, Henry A. Martin, Bull. Har. Med. Alumni Asso., 1902-3. The History aud Practice of Vaccination, James Moore, Lon., 1817. Reports of a Series of Inoculations for the VarioliB Vaccinae, or Cow-pox, by William Woodville, M. D., London, 1799. Bos. Med. and Surg. Jour., vol. xxxv., Oct. 7, 1846.

Hist. Har. Med. School, vol. i (T. F. Harring- ton.) Port, in the Van Kaathoven Coll., Surg. -gen. Lib., Wash., D. C.

Waterman, Thomas (1842-1901).

Thomas Waterman, a prominent ex- pert in mental diseases, was the son of Thomas and Joanna (Twole) Waterman, and born in Bo.ston, December 17, 1842. He was the grandson of Col. Thomas Waterman and of the eighth generation from the English ancestor who settled in New Hampshire.

As a lad he went to the Brimmer Grammar School, Boston Latin School and Harvard College, where he gradu- ated in 1864. He began the study of medicine with Jeffries Wyman, at that time professor of comparative anatomy and physiology in Harvard University. Waterman received his M. D. from the Harvard Medical School in 1868 and practised medicine in Boston from that time until his death, December 14, 1901. After 1883 he devoted much of his time to mental diseases and was examining physician to the commissioners of pubUc institutions of Boston. He also appeared in the courts of law as an expert in mental His honesty, self-possession and carefully weighed testimony made him an excellent witness. He was a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society; Boston Society for Medi- cal Improvement, and Boston Medico- Psychological Society.

During his medical training he was house surgeon at the Massachusetts General Hospital and from 1870 to 1881 physician and surgeon to the Boston Dispensary; surgeon to St. Joseph's Home from 1871 to 1878; instructor in comparative anatomy and physiology, at Harvard University in 1873 and 1874; and assistant demonstrator of anatomy in the Harvard Medical School from 1879 to 1882.

He married Harriet Henchman, daugh- ter of Edward Howard, maker of the famous Howard clocks, December 4, 1872, and had two daughters.

Dr. Waterman was much interested in the exposure of pseudo-spiritualism and mediumistic impostors.

W. L. B.

Boa. Med. and Surg. Journal, vol. cxlvi. Physicians .and Surgeons of America, I A.


Watson, Beriah Andre (183G-1892).

Beriah Andre Watson, surgeon, was born near Lake George March 26, 1836, the third son of Pen-y and Marion Wat.son. He attended the local schools and the State Normal School, Albany and studied medicine with Dr. James Reilly at Suc- casunna. New Jersey, matriculating at New York University in 1859, and taking his M. D. therein 1861.

He served as surgeon during the Civil War in the United States' service and after the battle of Gettysburg was com- missioned surgeon with the rank of major. After this he settled in Jersey City and was instrumental in the formation of the New Jersey Academy of Medicine, and was one of the organizers of the Jersey City Hospitals, where he became surgeon in 1869. In 1873 he was surgeon to St. Francis' Hospital and, later, to Christ Hospital.

Even with all his work as surgeon he managed to get through a great deal of writing in his library — one of the largest medical libraries in the State. He took a great interest in mineralogy also, and had a good collection. A keen sportsman he had many trophies hanging on his