Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/547

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the great gash over his forehead, a scar which persisted all his life. So again when he almost severed his great toe while splitting kindling one winter's eve. He stole off to bed without telling anyone of the occurrence, and it was only when his good mother was drying her children's stockings that night before herself retiring, that the tell-tale cut and blood in his sock betrayed the mishap.

In 1866 he married Eliza S. Rexford, of Chicago, by whom he had one child, Philip Rexford, who became a physician in Seattle, Washington.

Dr. Waughop died at sea off Cape Flattery, Washington, enroute per steam- ship "Noana" from Honolulu for Vic toria, British Columbia. He had been gradually sinking in the Hawaiian Is- lands, with pernicious anemia, and in order to seek relief from this affection he was on his vfay to the healthier climate of the North.

T. H. S.

Medico-Legal Journal, Sept., 1906, vol. xxiv, No. 2 (Dr. E. S. Goodhue).

Wayne, Edward S. (1S1S-18S5).

Edward S. Wayne, of Quaker origin, was born in Philadelphia in 1818, and in his early years was apprenticed to a drug firm. Here he became proficient not only as a chemist, but as a mechanical en- gineer, and while a mere boy superin- tended the erection of a white lead factory, of which he had the charge for Bome years. After several years Wayne became partner in a firm of chemists and afterwards had an analytical laboratory, where he remained until his health failed, when he returned to Philadelphia, dying in that city December 11, 1885.

He was awarded a degree by the Ohio Medical College, serving therein as professor of chemistry, and becoming an authority with the medical profession, as well as in all things pertaining to phar- macy. He was active in the organization of the Cincinnati College of Pharmacy, holding the chair of chemistry therein un- til a year or so before his death, when his failing health led him to resign this

for a position in the State Board of Pharmacy.

He was an easy writer, and, between 1855 and 1870, contributed numerous papers to the "American Journal of Pharmacy," and to the American Phar- maceutical Association, the titles of these being recorded in these publications, among them being one on " The Gizzard of the South American Ostrich," from which he first showed that a preparation thus obtained could be used as a remedy for dyspepsia. In 1860, when Nicholas Longworth became enthusiastic over the possibility of the Ohio hillsides becoming a national source of grape and wine cul- ture. Professor Wayne united with him, and instituted experiments for making therefrom cream of tartar and tartaric acid. He actively engaged in assaying minerals, and showed that a quicksilver mine in North Carolina yielded 150 pounds of mercury to the ton.

During the early days he was one of the first to manufacture coal oil from bitu- minous coal, a business that was wrecked on the opening of the kerosene fields.

I remember Professor Wayne as a medium-sized man of charming person- ality, easy in manner and a ready conver- sationalist, exceedingly neat and up-to- date in dress, even to the verge of being dandified. His work as an educator brought him into contact with the j'oung, with whom he was always a favorite, by reason of his delightfully pleasant address his unquestioned knowledge, his invar- iable courtesy to all, and his helpful encouragement. J. U. L.

Bull, of the Lloyd Lib. Pharmacy Series No. 2, 1910 (port.).

Webster, James (1803-1854).

James Webster was born in Wa.shington, Lancashire, England, December 24, 1803. His parents emigrated to this country while he was still a small boy, and settled in Philadelphia, where his father became an eminent book-seller and publisher, and established the "Medical Recorder," of which his son later became an editor. Webster's father meant him to study