Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/609

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give her lessons in English and obtained admission for her to the Cleveland Medi- cal College. The two years at this college gave her considerable pecuniary distress and in 1855, when joyfully expecting the arrival of her mother, a despatch brought her the crushing news of her death and burial at sea. Return- ing to New York Dr. Zakrzcwska with Drs. Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell bent every effort to the task of bringing into existence the " New York Infirmary for Women," which was opened in May, 1857, with Dr. Zakrzewska as first resident physician.

In 1857 the New England Female Medical College of Boston invited Dr. Zakrzewska to fill the chair of obstetrics. Dr. Zakrzwseka consented with the provision that a hospital for chemical work should be opened with the college; after three years, finding growth impos- sible either in college or hospital, she resigned to begin the foundation of a hospital for women and children, where nurses might be trained and women receive the same practical medical train- ing as men. Friends were ready to aid and a small ten-bed hospital was started in Pleasant Street; rapidly the work increased and eventually land was pur- chased in Roxbury and a thoroughly equipped building built, which became the New England Hospital for Women and Children. For nearly forty years she was the guiding inspiration.

Though she did not marry, her roof sheltered two sisters and the family of a German reformer, Karl Hinzen, a Repub- lican exile. She wrote much on impor- tant and vital questions.

In 1899 Dr. Zakrzewska, now seventy years old, retired. She had been suffering for some time from a nervous trouble which took the form of noises, which she described to a physician as a steady sound of falling rain preventing sleep, which evoked the comment " Well, we do

fall asleep even if it rains hard, and so you will." With fortitude and cheer- fulness she awaited the last sleep and this release came on May 12, 1902.

Among the papers she has left are most interesting and valuable talks upon: "Climate; Its Influence upon Health;" "The Woman's Club;" "Amusements; The Value of the Theatre;" "The Dormi- tory System in Schools and Colleges;" "The Poor; How Best to Help Them;" "The Duty of the Physician to Give Moral as Well as Physical Aid to Her Patient;" "The American Woman" (a series of able articles sent to an English woman's journal). A. B. W.

Obituary. The Woman's Medical Journal, Toledo, vol. xii., p. 134-137. C. W.. Woman's •Journal, Boston, vol. xxxiii, p. 162-163. Memoir, Issued by New England Hospital for Women and Children, Boston, 1903, 30 pp. AutobioKraphical letter to Miss Mary L. Booth of New York, incorporated in " .\ Practical Illustration of Women's Right to Labor," Ed. Caroline H. Dall, 1869.

Zollickoffer, William (1793-1853).

The available material for a life of William Zollickoffer, botanist, proved very scanty. He graduated M. D. at the University of Maryland, 1818 and at the Washington University, 1838. He was one of the earliest in the states to write a materia medica and his, entitled " A Materia Medica of the United States," came out in 1819, and was re-issued in 1827. He also WTote, in 1822, a pam- phlet on the " Use of Prussiate of Iron in Intermitting and Remitting Fevers." He was lecturer on medical botany, materia medica and therapeutics at the University of Maryland. It is said the Zollikoforia, one of the asteraceae, was named after him by De CandoUe. His death took place in Newmarket, Virginia, in 1895.

Medical .\nu. of Maryland, E. F. Cordell,


The Vegetable Kingdom, J Lindley, ed.,


Vol. 11—35