Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/205

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The other half of the same.

1070. Lower portion of the same femur, showing an extension of the inflammation, and an opening for the discharge of the pus.

1071. The other half of the lower portion of the same, showing suppuration of the medullary membrane.

1072. Fracture of the neck of the femur, close to the head, and with almost no change.

From a negress, set. ninety-nine years and nine months. Too feeble for a long time to go out ; and fell as she was walking across her room. There was at the time, shorten- ing, eversion, mobility, and crepitus ; scarcely any pain except when the limb was moved, and then not at all se- vere. No treatment. Sat up about half of the time after the first few days ; and she seemed to fail from being con- fined to her bed more than usual. Died five months after the accident. 1865.

Dr. George Faulkner , of Jamaica Plain.

1073. Recent fracture. The neck of the femur, the small tro- chanter, and the great trochanter in two pieces are, each, broken from the shaft. From a middle-aged man. In the preparation the pieces have been connected. 1859.

Dr. R. M. Hodges.

1074. The upper portion of the femur, showing a recent and very oblique fracture at some distance below the trochan- ters ; and from it a longitudinal split upwards, and through the great trochanter. Also a fracture of the neck, just above the trochanters. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

1075. Fracture between the neck and shaft ; the great trochan- ter being also broken off.

The neck forms a right angle with the shaft ; and the union is so imperfect that the fragments separated in maceration. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

1076. Head and trochanters only preserved, showing a fracture

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