Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/436

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eight times Dr. P. had removed tumors that were some- times soft, and sometimes firm ; the nostrils being consid- erably obstructed. The present specimen was removed from the posterior nares, and from which it had been hang- ing down for some months, though it had only recently troubled her much. 1849. Dr. Marshall S. Perry.

2067. A fourth specimen, of the gelatinous form, that was in- filtrated with lymph, as well as serum, and almost as large as a horse-chestnut.

From a mechanic, set. about twenty-eight years. Both nostrils obstructed for less than a year ; and a small poly- pus was seen upon one side. The forceps were applied so as to embrace the neck of the large tumor that was sup- posed to exist ; but, after many unsuccessful attempts to extract it, the operation was abandoned. The man went to the back of the room to wash his face, the tumor de- scended into the throat, was hawked up, and he came for- ward with it in his hand. (Med. Jour. Vol. LXX. p. 62.) 1864. Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

2068. A cyst, about the size of a horse-chestnut, that was filled with clear serum.

Removed by Dr. T. from the posterior nares of a young girl. Dr. Bigelow, who examined it, described it as a " coarse fibroid structure, with some tendency to a circular disposition of its fibres, and lined with a structureless membrane." He regarded it as a cyst, developed in a fibrous nasal polypus, and of rare occurrence. 1857.

Dr. S. D. Townsend.

2069. A very large fibroid polypus, the removal of which re- quired the removal of the upper jaw.

The patient was a healthy man, twenty-three years of age, who entered the hospital Nov. 17th, 1866 (127, 204), with a polypus in the left nostril, of six years' duration. Portions had been occasionally removed ; and, in 1863, thirteen operations had been performed, with free hemor- rhage each time. Two years before admission a tumor appeared in the left cheek, painless, and of slow growth. On the 17th Dr. B. cut down upon the tumor ; and, having ascertained the extent and depth of its connections, he

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