Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/668

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646 MORBID ANATOMY. Ibs., which I have no doubt is within the truth."' 1870. Mr. William P. Bolles, med. student.

2983. Three colored lithograp'hs of a large, movable, fibro- cellular tumor in the groin. The patient was a young man ; disease of some years' duration, and it did not re- turn after removal. 1st. An external view of the inguinal region, etc. 2d and 3d. The tumor before and after it was cut through. The tissue was coarse and tough ; and buff- colored lobes projected from the cut surface. Nourished by an artery from the skin ; there being no vessels beneath. Microscopically fibroid, .with a few cells. 1858.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

2984. A large fibro-cellular tumor from the scrotum.

The patient entered the hospital Jan. 3d, 1864 (113, 38). He was forty-two years of age, and the disease was of one year's duration. The tumor, which had the general aspect of a very large hydrocele, consisted chiefly of slip- pery lobes that eluded the grasp, and was supposed before the operation to be either fatty or fibro-cellular. Behind and near the anus the insertion of the scrotum had a brawnjr feel, and the termination of the tumor was there undefined. On the 30th it was removed. The first lobe that was exposed declared the fibro-cellular character of the tissue ; and, after a dissection, which was rendered tedious by the adhesions, the tumor resolved itself into two principal masses. Each of these was somewhat lobu- lated, six or more inches in length, three or four inches in diameter, and smallest at the neck. The dissection was carried downward and backward between the bulb of the urethra and the rectum, each of which was exposed, and through the triangular ligament. Their insertion was dis- covered, fan-shaped and expanded, high up somewhere be- tween the prostate gland and the rectum, where ligatures were passed around the two pedicles and the masses were cut away.

These tumors, Dr. B. remarked, are interesting for their insertion high up in the ischio-rectal fossae, which was doubtless their point of origin. The microscope showed

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