Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/189

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šlechtíc, s.m., a nobleman. slouti, v.n., to be called (cf.

Gk. cíkovílv, k\v€iv, and Lat.

audire). šťastný, adj., happy. štědrý, adj., bountiful; Itedry

večer, Christmas Eve. štistí, s.n. happiness. štíhlý, adj., slender. Štítný, proper name of a man. Štrezislava, s.f., proper name. student, s.m., a student.


táhnoutí, v.a., to draw (also

táhovatí). tajní, adv., secretly. taM, conj., also. tako, conj., so. takový, pr., such. /iztó>, conj., so. tarn, adv., there, /říf, adv., now. tehdáí, adv., then, /l/c, s.n., body. ten, dem. pr., this. teprv, adv., first. tišili se, v.n., to enjoy oneself. tesknili, v.n., to lament, be heavy. lei, conj., also, /z'c.iy, adj., quiet. tisíc, card, num., a thousand. tisknouti, v.a., to squeeze. titul, s.m., title.

//fež?z", v.n., to remain fast, to

stick. to, particle, that. tobolka, s.f., the pocket. toliko, adv., only. Tomáš, proper name, Thomas. tonouti, v.n., to sink, to be

drowned. touha, s.f., longing. Iři, card, num., three. třizubý, adj., having three teeth. trůn, s.m., throne. tržišti, s.n., a square. tudiS, adv., thence. tvář, f., countenance. tvůj, poss. pr., thy. ty, pers. pr., thou. týkati se, refl. v., to concern. tyran, s.m., a tyrant.


u, prep., by, at, among. ubledli, adv., in a pafe manner. účastnili, v.a., to take a part in. účastný, adj., partaking in. učenec, s.m., a scholar.

s.n., instruction. učenosi, s.f., learning. učinili, v.a., to make.

s.m., a teacher. uctivý, adj., polite. udatný^ adj., brave. udlliii, v.a.," to communicate, to give.