Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/162

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per among the cattle first afflicted the English nation.


This year Weced-port (Watchet) was plundered.


This year the Danish Thane Goda was killed, and many with him. And this year the holy Archbishop Dunstan gave up this life, and entered upon that of heaven; and Bishop Æthelgar succeeded him in the Archbishoprick, and he lived but a short time afterwards, only one year and three months.


This year the Abbot Ædwine died, and Wulfgar succeeded him. And Siric was consecrated Archbishop, and he afterwards went to Rome for his pall.


This year Ipswich was plundered, and very soon afterwards the Alderman Brihtnoth was slain at Malden, And the same year it was first proposed that a tribute should be paid to the Danes, because of the great terror in which they kept the coasts. This tribute was at first ten thousand pounds: it was Archbishop Siric who gave this as his counsel.