Page:A narrative of travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro.djvu/188

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158 TRAVELS ON THE RIO NEGRO. [January, 1851.

at once. There are seven or eight distinct processes in the Roman Catholic baptism, well calculated to attract the attention of the Indians : there is water and holy oil, — and spittle rubbed on the eyes, — and crosses on the eyes, nose, mouth, and body,

— and kneeling and prayers in between, which all bear suffi- 

cient resemblance to the complicated operations of their own "pages" (conjurors), to make them think they have got something very good, in return for the shilling they pay for the ceremony.

The next day there were a few weddings, the ceremony of which is very like our own. After it was over, Frei Joze gave the newly married people a very good and practical homily on the duties of the married state, which might have done some good, had the parties to whom it was addressed under- stood it ; which, as it was in Portuguese, they did not. He at all times strenuously exhorted the Indians to get married, and thus save their souls, — and fill his pocket. The only two white men, besides myself, were, however, bad examples, — for they were not, nor would be married, though they both had large families ; which the Padre got over by saying, " Never mind what these white people do, they will all go to purgatory, but don't you be such fools as to go too ! " at which Senhor L. and the Commandante laughed heartily, and the poor Indians looked much astonished.