Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/421

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A T T E R B U R Y. 3*5 <3er [ R ], he wns apprehended Auguft 74, and committed prifoner 10 the Tower [sj. I is commitment of a Uifliop Upon a fufpicion of bi^h tri-aCon, as it was a tint,; r- ly praililcd iince ihc Rdunnatioi), i'u it occafioned various f; - culations Oxhill, Warwickflvre. He? left a widow and five children hehin-1 him, two 1 >ns and three d.iu^hu . : . Ion (nowD. D.) was educ tc.i "n the foundation <>t Y.V;!,- i- IV -. iknt or Chnd C Oxford, in 1755; ' n J ~ U S was appointed Ky the preknt arcnl'ilho!" ilien biftiop of Clo e) rns domcftic cluvlain; in 3770 was collated by him to the dig- nity of pj;eccnK.r in toe cathidrai of Cloyi e; and in 1776 was printed to the vjlnr>ble livn g of Clonr. .1, or the Gre;it libnd:, in the lanit- ill C( ' [R] Varkus method: were attempted, ss we learn from the " Urport ot

  • ' Secret Committee of me Houl- or

" Commons," and various tim- 1 fixed, f r this defien in execution. The firft; mention was to have pro- euicd^a regular body of foreign forces tuinv.tiie iliele ) , r>t the t:me if the ilcclions f . r members of Par- liament. But the conlpirators, being difappointcd in thi c-xp.clanon, re- folved, next, to m.-ks an attempt at the time it ^nemlly believeo, Jiis Mjjey intended logo to Hai../ver, by the help of luth officers and f 'Idlers, as could pals into England, unobfered, from ahr/iad, under the command of the late duke of Orm nd; who was to have landed in the river, with a great ej-.iamity ol arms, provided in Spain for purp .fe. The Tower, at the fame time, was to have been feiz^d, and the city of London made a place of arms. But this dcfian aik> being dif- appointed by many concurring events, t: econfpirators found themfelv'LS under a neceflity of deferring their enterprise, 'till the breaking up cf the camp : dur- ing which interval, they laboured, by their agents and emiflaries, to corrupt and feduce the officers and foldiers of the army; and depended fo much on their detection, as to entertain hopes of placing the Pretender on the throne, thi.ugh they Ihould huve no atiiltance from abroad. What fnare our prelate was fulpected to have had in this con. Ijiiracy, apj-^art from the lame "Re- VOL. I. " port," vhich charj-es him wi h r nyiip on a traitcroi/5 con ei'.icin.l- erce in order to raife an inlurrec- ti n in th-' k i ' 4 'm, and to produce foreign forces to invjcie it. I p,.rt of w'uii .n, three lett-rs wetr ' - -vntten , K) (.n nrr < Dill'-n, tllS late Lurd, and the Preten^r liim felt, under the feigned names of CM- . JMulgmve, and!bn. This occali ned a rel..!ut;on of the houfe of monsj n li the r i'.h, i"23> " That Francis, Lord Bi/hop of Ro- 4 chefter, wa- principally cnr.-r.-'ncd " in 'orming, dir.i^in^, and carrying " on a wicked ano d^telfable confpi- " racy, fr 'Invading thefe kingdom* " with a foreign 1 >rce, and for raifmg " infurreftions, and a rebellion at hon;c, in order to fobvert oqrprefeat "; -f;-. in Church and " St.:te, by placing a Popiflj Pretender " on the Thrcne." [s] Two tftkeis, t'.ie under-fecre- t?rv, :;n-f a mt-Uei.ger, went about two o'clock in the afteinoon to the bitiMp'i hpufc at Weftminlter, where lie then was, v%ith orders to bring him and hi* paper-, before the council. He hap- pened to t'e in his night-gown, when they came in; and being made ac- ilnted v. i-h tbcir hnfinels, he defired time to drels hiirfeir. In the mean time his came in; and the officers went to fearch for his papers; in the fealing of which the mefLnger brought a paper, wi ich he pretended to have found in his tiofe ftool, and defired it rnjg'nt be iVdled up with the red. His 1 rdftiip obferving it, an : be- lieving it to be a forged one of his own, defired the officers not to do it, and to bear witncfs that t; -e pap r was not found with him. Neverthelefs, they did it; and, tiioui; 1! t hev behaved ihem- Iclves with fome refpeit tolrm, the/ luftered the rs to treat l;im in a very nmph m.-nnerj threatening him, if he did not make h.iflr to C;n-fs him- Itlt, they would tarry him asvay un- drelt as he was. Upon which, he or- C C