Page:A simplified grammar of the Swedish language.djvu/51

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The chief prepositions are:—

af, of, by. å, , on, upon.
efter, after. åt, to, at, for.
bland, among. sedan, after.
från, from. till, to, till, at.
för, for, before. undan, away, from.
utför, down. mot, against.
utan, without. nära, near.
förbi, by, past. ofvan, above.
genom, through. om, about.
hos, at the house of. under, under.
i, inom, in, within. utom, without.
jämte, near by, beside. ur, utur, out of.
omkring, round. vid, by, near.


The chief conjunctions are:—

Simple. Compound.
och, and. , then. ej heller, neither.
men, but. utan, unless. både och, also, as well as.
eller, or. när, when. så som, as.
samt, with. dertill, thereto. i fall, in case.
äfven, also. derför, therefore. som om, as if.
ty, for. ehuru, although. emedan, since.
om, in case. att, that. således, so.