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Oorapathera A bunch of leaves tied at the feet, and worn when dancing, causing a peculiar noise.
Unpa A bunch of tassels, made from the fur of rats and wallaby, worn by the natives for the sake of decency. They are from six inches to three feet in length, according as they are intended to be worn.
Thippa Used for the same purpose as Unpa. A bunch of tassels made from tails of the native rabbit, and, when washed in damp sand, very pretty, being white as snow. It takes about fifty tails to make an ordinary Thippa, but some Mr. Gason has seen consisting of three hundred and fifty.
Aroo The large feathers from the tail of the emu, used only as a fan.
Wurdwurda A circlet or coronet of emu feathers, worn only by the old men.