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inclemency of the weather. His body was found a few days afterwards under the snow; the people who discovered him being drawn to the spot by observing a stick placed upright in the snow; which measure it appears, the deceased had adopted as a signal, when exhausted nature had been compelled to resign the hopless contest. Two men have been found on the moor, near Cock Moor-hall, in the neighbourhood of Scarborough, who had perished in the storm on Saturday, the 17th ult.


Affecting Occurence.

Last week, an inquest was holden at Langham, before John Ellington Jones, Gent., one of the coroners for the county of Rutland, on the bodies of Margaret, John, and Rachael Lowe, the wife and children of John Lowe, a blind beggar, who were accidentally drowned in the brook that runs through Langham pasture. The man and his family were travelling from Cold Overton to Langham, on the preceding evening, and the brook for a moment was swollen to an amazing size. A baker passing with his cart, took them all up—the woman and children into the body of the cart, and the man upon the fore part of it with himself. As soon as they attempted to cross the ford, the cart was carried away by the force of the stream, and turned over.