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Stags, I. 212.

Stags at Bougou Bashi, I. 72.

Storm in the defile of Kabchigue-gol, I. 32.

Sugar, its effect on the Thibetans, II. 11, 18.

Swallows, I. 88, 117.

Swans, Wild, I. 88, 107.

Syringas, II. 194.

Ta-Amban, The, II. 66-62, 71-73, 84-87. Ta-Lama, The, II. 56-62, 71-73, 84-87. Talai-Lama, The, II. 3, 8, 11, 37, 80, 147. Talkitchin, I. 71 ; salt at, 71. Tamarisks, I. 12, 38, 62,68, 71, 108, 131. Tambourine accompaniment to prayers, I. 19;

II. 132. Tandi, II. 101. Tarantfihis, The, I. 7, 8 ; their abandonment

of wives, 9 ; at Kourla, 42. Tarim River, The, I. 62, 63, 66; overflow of,

65 ; action of the wind upon the sands of,

67 ; tchiffa plants in the valley of, 68 ;

salt on the banks of, 69 ; breadth of, 79,

90 ; and the ** Lake " of Lob Nor, 90,

109 ; the travellers' descent of, 92 ; ice in,

106. Taro, TI. 172.

Tartars, ITie, and their horses, I. 61. Tash-Dawan Mountain, I. 134, 140 ; crossing

the, 141 ; 217. Tashe-Roua, 11. 74. Tashiline, II. 135. Taahkend, I. 7. TaUhou Kiver, II. 143. Tatsien-Lou, II. 74, 133, 134, 167, 196, 204;

treatment of the travellers at, 209 ; 210. Taxes levied by Chinese, I. 67, 89, 164. Tchai, I. 107. Tchamdo, see Tsiamdo. Tchang (fermented barley), II. 199. Tcharkal, see Tcharkalik. Tcharkalik, I. 74, 99, 111 ; "French party"

created at, 115. Tchersh^ne Darja River, I. 72. Tcherch^ne, I. 164. Tchiffa plants, I. 68 ; woven into garments,

68; 71. Tchigali, Tchiffa plants at, I. 68. Tchimbo-Nara, II. 136. Tchimbo-Tinzi. II. 136. Tchim^ne Tagh, The, I. 113, 149. Tchimene, Plateau of, I. 160. Tchinagi, I. 57; origin of inhabitants, and

their customs, 58, 59. Tchoukour Sai, I. 133. Tchoungo, II. 143. Tchounneu, IL 173. Tchoupalongue. II. 201. Tehouzma, A dish of. I. 197. Tea, the favourite drink of the Mongols and

the Thibetans, I. 16 ; trade between China

and Thibet in, II. 188. Tengri Noj- (the Xamtso), II. 32. Tent of the Amban of Lhassa, II. 50. Tents of Thibetans, II. 23, 113, 172.

Terai, Tint of sky at, I. 76.

Terek-Dawan, The, I. 41.

Thibet Higher table-lands of, I. 2 ; difficul- ties of travelling in, 7 ; tea-drinking in, 16 ; intermixture of the people with the Lobis, 133; pasture-ground of, 217; the first native encoimtered by the travellers, II. 2; ruins of dwellings in, 131 ; electric phenomenon from woollen garments in, 114; general appearance of the mountains, 144 ; fine scenery near Djala Mountains, 147; iron manufactory at Lagoun, 150; no trustworthy history, 165 ; tea trade with China, 188 ; weakness of Chinese authority in, 191.

Thibetans : the first native met by the travel- lers, II. 2; their snuff-taking, 2; native deception, 3 ; a shepherd and a shepherdess, 4, 5; their greediness, 5; their ponies, 6; their wonder at English revolvers, 6; their pigtails, 8; large tongues, 11, 12; meat- vendors, 17; tents, 23; mills and saddles, 23 ; of lAassa, 37-40 ; load- ing yaks, 64 ; cooking, 76 ; their charac- teristics near Lhassa, 78, 79 ; armed horsemen, 80; yak-drivers, 83, 98; ex- change of presents with the chiefs from Lhassa, 84, 86 ; shepherds, 94, 114 ; their dogs, 96; variety of types, 96, 97, 99, 116, 163; signs with the thumbs, 98, 111, 118, 150 ; modes of salutation, 2, 8, 18, 48, 98 ; forma of religion, 99 ; their skill with the sling, 102; houses and people of So, 105- 112; coins, 108; huts, 114; tobacco- smoking, 114; extortions of chiefs, 116; goitres, 116 ; fine specimen of a chief, 122; j flat houses, 121 ; polyandry and poly- I ganay* 124-127; tasks laid upon women, 127; a drunken chief, 136; a domestic scene, 139; vacillation, 140; supei-stition, 140 ; agricultural implements, 143 ; care I for catue, 143 ; veneration for the pagoda I at Djala Pass, 147 ; their kindness of heart contrasted with the unfeeling nature of the Chinese, 164, 165; their insolence at Lendjoune, 166 ; a fight about a yak- , skin, 170; superstitions, 183, 191.

Thomine, Father, II. 195.

Thrushes, I. 36.

Thumb. Signing a treaty with the, I. 124.

Thumbs, Signs with the, II. 98, 111, 118, 150.

Tien Shan, The, I. 7, 10, 19 ; Buddhist in- scriptions on the slopes of, 31.

Tientsin Treaty, The, II. 203.

Tigers, I. 67, 82.

Timour, shepherd and servant to the travel- lers, I. 113, 123, 149, 156; searches for lost horses, 181 ; at the burial of Niaz, 193 ; II. 90.

Timurlik, L 19, 152.

Tiskency Plains of, I. 174.

Tiumen, I. 3, 121.

Tj^ma-Loung, II. 102.

Tobolsk, I. 68.

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