Page:Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, Adopted by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona.djvu/19

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Order of Acts.

1. Authorizing the Appointment of a Commissioner to report a Code of Laws 19
2. For the Benefit of John G. Capron 19
3. Declaring Certain Routes as a County Road in the Territory of Arizona 20
4. For the benefit of Elliott Coues 20
5. Empowering the Governor to Appoint a Commissioner to Draft a Map of the Territory 20
6. To Incorporate the Arizona Central Road Company 21
7. Granting the Exclusive Right to Samuel Todd and his Associates and Successors, to maintain and keep a Ferry across the Colorado River at Mojave 24
8. Incorporating the Castle Dome Railroad Company 25
9. To Incorporate the Tucson, Poso Verde, and Libertad Road Company 27
10. To Incorporate the Santa Maria Wagon Road Company 30
11. To Incorporate the Mojave and Prescott Toll-Road Company 32
12. To Provide for Stay of Legal Proceedings on Foreign Indebtedness 35
13. Granting the Exclusive Right to William D. Bradshaw and his Associates to maintain and keep a Ferry across the Colorado River at La Paz 36
14. To Incorporate the Hualapai Mining, Smelting, and Assaying Company 37
15. To Authorize the Secretary of the Territory to appoint an Assistant 39
16. Concerning Grants and Deeds for Lands 39
17. To Authorize Probate Judges to appoint a Term of Court for Civil Business 40
18. To Incorporate the Arizona Historical Society 40
19. To Appropriate Money for the Aid of Public Schools 41
20. To Divorce Mary Catharine Mounce from the Bonds of Matrimony 42
21. Authorizing a Loan on the Faith and Credit of the Territory to Inaugurate and Pay the Expenses of a Campaign against the Apache Indians 42
22. Authorizing the Raising of Rangers 45
23. Relating to Interest 46
24. In Regard to County Recorders 46
25. Of Money of Account 47
26. Authorizing Certain Officers to exercise the Powers of Notaries Public 47
27. Concerning Possessory Rights in Public Lands 47
28. In Regard to Printing 48
29. Allowing Persons in the Military Service to Vote at Elections 48
30. Allowing Persons in the Military Service of the United States and of this Territory to hold Mining Claims 49
31. Creating a Seal for the Territory of Arizona 50
32. Relating to the Publication of Legal Notices 50