Page:Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, Adopted by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona.djvu/59

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Laws of Arizona.

under the provisions of this act, and upon payment of the sum estimated as aforesaid, the proper legal title to the land, earth, stone, or other materials thus estimated shall vest in said company.

Sec. 7. The said company shall have the same rights as individuals to all minerals discovered by the work of the company in levelling, tunnelling, etc., but shall be amenable in respect thereto to the mining laws of the Territory.

Sec. 8. The said company may build their said roads across any highway, county road, or toll road, and may bridge any stream or river in this Territory, or any part of which is in this Territory.

Sec. 9. That said company shall organize and commence operations within five years from and after the passage of this act, and upon failure to do so this charter shall be forfeited.
Approved November 9, 1864.

An Act

Incorporating the Prescott, Walnut Grove, and Pima Road Company.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona:—

Sec. 1. That Robert W. Groom, James G. Sheldon, Richard Gird, Richard C. McCormick, Adnah French, Elijah M. Smith, A. C. Benedict, Henry A. Bigelow, A. O. Noyes, J. Alexander Mahon, J. T. Alsop, Almon Gage, John B. Allen, A. M. White, James S. Giles, Jackson McCrackin, Jack Swilling, King S. Woolsey, and their associates and successors, are hereby formed into a body politic and corporate with the name and title of the Prescott, Walnut Grove, and Pima Road Company, and with this name and under this style shall have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, to have and to keep a common seal, acquire, enjoy, and transfer either real estate or personal property, and may make and adopt all rules and regulations necessary to carry into effect all the objects of this incorporation, not inconsistent with or repugnant to the laws of the United States or those of this Territory.

Sec. 2. That said company is authorized and allowed the exclusive privilege and power to construct and build a toll-road from the town of Prescott in an easterly direction, via Groomdale to Turkey Creek, thence in a southerly direction to a point on the Hassayampa Creek, in the vicinity of Walnut Grove, and thence to the Pima villages, with a branch extending to the town of Weaver, to connect with the branch of the Arizona Central Road Company at that place, and a branch extending to the public road leading from Prescott, via Woolsey’s Ranch, to the Pima villages, to construct bridges and grade said road, to dig wells at practicable points, and do all things necessary to make said road safe and passable at all times for wagons with their usual freights, and may receive and collect tolls in sums not exceeding the following rates, to wit:
1. For each wagon drawn by two horses, mules, or horned cattle, five cents per mile, and for each additional animal one cent per mile.