Page:Advanced Automation for Space Missions.djvu/80

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July 29,2010 REPORT: CSCC 8:25 am GMT - Initial Planet Model completed. Atmospheric sounder indicates planned descent to surface procedure possible. Beginning procedure for finding highest priority landing target. CSCC TO SPACECRAFT CENTRAL IMAGE PROCESSOR: Task 51: Correlate parameters for most desirable landing site with surface model. Response: Spacecraft Central Image Processor. 1. Highest priority areas ? Those indicating possible carbon-based life or structures made by intelligent beings. - None indicated by Planet Model. 2. Next highest priority - Areas indicating possible H2O. No indication of present H2O by surface model. Possible ancient riverbed 25?-27?N. latitude and 34?- 38? W. longitude. Topology map indicates possible target 25.1? N. latitude and 36.8? W. longitude. Target is within lander range of stratified river bank-like structures. July 30, 2010 REPORT: CSCC 9:45 pm GMT - Have loaded site model into Lander Central Image Processor. Task sequences programmed to deploy parachute at 100 km, begin wind determination and parachute descent path modification at 45 km. Parachute to be ejected at 2 km. Landing rockets and obstacle avoidance imaging system to be initiated at 1500 m. 10:31 pm GMT - Initiating Lander Descent. Response: Lander Central Image Processor. 1. Have locked onto target area. 2. Estimated ground drift and surface wind indicates parachute descent direction modification of 265? and 3.1 km necessary to hit target. 3. Obstacle avoidance system activated. Response: Lander Guidance Image Processor. 1. Obstacle at site. Shift 30?, 0.16 km. 2. Site clean under lander, okay for vertical descent to surface. REPORT: CENTRAL LANDER COMPUTER (CLC) 1:38 am GMT - Lander site assessment procedure initiated. Lander Guidance Imaging System turned on. Response: Lander Central Image Processor. 1. Surface immediately surrounding lander mostly small rocks on relatively flat surface. Hill (slope < 30?) blocking view beginning 100 m away 248? to 0?. Surface of hill easily navigable. Stratified rock wall beyond 1 km 0? to 20?. Hill obscures wall beyond 0?. CLC TO LANDER GUIDANCE IMAGE PROCESSOR. Task 1: Initiate analysis to find safe path to climb to apex. Response: Lander Guidance Image Processor. 1. Stereo depth and contour data added to site model. 2. Safe path calculated. 3. Initiating journey. 4. Apex of hill reached. Stereo depth and contour data being added to site model. 5. Safe path possible in forward direction. OBSERVATION LANDER CENTRAL IMAGE PROCESSOR.

Rock formation indicating upheaval at 240?.

No major obstacles indicated on Planet Model.

No major obstacles indicated in image pointed at 240? CLC TO LANDER GUIDANCE IMAGE PROCESSOR. Task 2: Initiate analysis to find safe path to formation. Response: Lander Guidance Image Processor. 1. Safe path calculated for initial 100 m. 2. Beginning journey. 3. Dead reckoning from surface model and relative size indicates 0.5 of total distance covered. 4. Dead reckoning and size of upheaval in image indicates 300 m from upheaval. 5. Slowing down. 6. At base of upheaval. Rubble makes further progress in this path impossible.