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ligion, and a perfect ſufficient rule of direction to the children of men.

5thly, I believe that God made man upright in his own image conſiſting in knowledge righteouſneſs, holineſs with dominion over the creatures; and that he made a covenant of works with him, promiſing life upon condition of a perfect and perpetual obedience: threatening death upon diſobedience, and giving him a command or trial, not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil upon pain of death.

6thly I believe that Men being left to the freedom of his own will at the inſtigation of the devil ſinned against God, in eating the forbidden fruit and to feed from the eſtate or holineſs and happineſs, and he being a common perſon, all his poſterity fell with him into an eſtate of ſin and miſery. That all the ſons of men are born children of diſobedience wanting original righteouſneſs, and under corruption or the whole nature ſlaves to the fleſh, the world and devil, and conſequency children of wrath, obnoxious to the juſtice of God, and the condemnation of the law; and that no creature is able to deliver them out of this condition. That God, having from all eternity, of his mere good pleaſure, elected a remnant of mankind to everlaſting life, did, in