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ſit down to read; they are indeed good and ſound; but, like halfpence, there goes a great quantity to a little amount. There are ſilver books, and a very few golden books; but I have one book worth them all, called the Bible; and this is a book of Bank notes.

"The Chriſtian Sabbath," ſays Mr. Hervey, "is an ineſtimable privilege to the church of Chriſt; it is a pledge of God's diſtinguiſhing love; and preparing us for our everlaſting Sabbath."

The Sabbath-day was anciently called the day of Light, alſo the queen of days; the primitive church held this day in high veneration: it was a great body of their religion; for when the queſtion was aſked, "Keepeſt thou the Sabbath?” the anſwer was, "I am a Chriſtian, and dare not omit the celebration of the Lord's day."

That great man, Judge Hale, thus ſpeaks of the Sabbath. I have, ſays he, by long and ſound experience,