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While elsewhere thus the war proceeds,
Saturnian Juno swiftly speeds
Her Iris from above
To valiant Turnus: Turnus then
Was sitting in a hallowed glen,
His sire Pilumnus' grove:
And thus the child of Thaumas speaks,
Heaven's beauty flushing in her cheeks:
'Turnus, what never god would dare
To promise to his suppliant's prayer,
Lo here, the lapse of time has brought
E'en to your hands, unasked, unsought.
Æneas camp and fleet forsakes
And journey to Evander takes,
Nor thus content, his way has found
To far Cortona's utmost bound,
The Lydian people calls to arms,
And musters all the rustic swarms.
Why longer wait? the moment flies:
Call horse and car: the camp surprise.'
E'en as she spoke, her wings she spread,
And skyward on her rainbow fled.
The ardent youth the goddess knew:
His hands to heaven he rears,
And thus pursues her, as from view
Aloft she disappears: