Page:Africa by Élisée Reclus, Volume 1.djvu/126

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north of Kavirondo. They appear to be an extremely ferocious tribe, carefully avoided by all traders passing in the vicinity of their haunts. They are described as "clothed with knives," which they wear on their arms, thighs, body, and waist.

The centres of population in U-Kavirondo are sufficiently large to merit the

Fig. 30. — U-Ganda: Rubaca, Principal Residence or M"Tesa.

name of towns. The largest is Kabondo, situated on the eastern frontier, near the Masai country. At N'yawa, about four hours' march to the north-west, stands the residence of the king, followed in the same direction and about the same distance by Sandegé, the depot of the Mussulman merchants of Zanzibar, commanding a