Page:Africa by Élisée Reclus, Volume 1.djvu/14

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fig. page
1. Highlands and Plateaux of Central Africa 4
2. Hydrography of Africa according to Mediæval Geographers 5
3. Outflow of Lake Nyanza, according to Speke 7
4. Isothermal Lines of Africa 10
5. Distribution of the Rainfall in Africa 11
6. Vegetable Zones in Africa 14
7. Languages of Africa 21
8. Religions of Africa 21
9. Chief Routes of Explorers in the Interior of Africa (1883) 28
10. Sources of the Nile and Nyanza Plateau 35
11. From Dufilé to Lado 42
12. Region of the "Sud" 43
13. The Nile at Khartum 44
14. Meshra-er-Rek in the Zariba Region 46
15. Busin of the Nile Affluents 51
16. Cataract of Hannek 53
17. Kaibar Cataract 54
18. The Keneh Valley on the Route to Koseir 58
19. Head of the Ibrahimieh Canal 59
20. Entrance of the Fayum 61
21. Fayuom 62
22. Rosetta Mouth 64
23. Damietta Mouth 66
24. Branch of the Nile flowing to Luke Menzaleh 68
25. Yearly Oscillations of the Nile 70
26. Section of the Nile Valley at Siût 72
27. U-Kerewe and U-Sukuma 78
28. Karagwé 80
29. South U-Ganda 86
30. U-Ganda: Rubaca, Prikicpal Residence og M'Tesa 90
31. U-Nyoro 92
32. Water-parting between the Nile and Congo 96
33. Shuli Musicians 100
34. Bari Smiths 102
35. Routes of Explorers East of the Bahr-el-Jebel 103
36. Chief Routes of Explorers in the Zariba Region 110
37. Inhabitants of the Zariba Region 114
38. Confluence of the Sobat and Yal 118
39. Shilluk type 120
40. Chief Routes of Abyssinian Explorers 127
41. Profile of Abyssinia from East to West 129
42. Davezut Falls, Near Samara (Debra-Tabor) 130
43. Northern Spurs of the Abyssinian Highlands 132
44. The Simen Highlands 133
45. Lakes of East Abyssinia 134
46. Lake of Alalbed 138
47. Intermediate Abyssinian Pluteaux and Valleys 140
48. Inhabitants of Abyssinia 151
49. Gondar 162
50. Debra Tabor 164
51. Mahdera Mariam 165
52. Koarata and Southern Shore of Lake Tana 166
53. Magdala 169
54. Adua and Aksum 172
55. Aksum 173
56. Kumaili Valley 175
57. Bogos Territory 177
58. Massawah 179
59. Annesley Bay 182
60. Routes of the Chief Explorers in the Lower Awash Region 189
61. Somali Girl 193
62. Routes of the Chief Explorers in South Abyssinia 198
63. Galla Girl 196
64. Populations of South Abyssinia 199
65. Chief Towns of East Shoa 201
66. Harrar 204
67. Zeila 205
68. Course of the Lower Awash 206
69. Tajurah Bay and Lake Assal 207
70. Obok 208
71. Assab 209
72. Routes of the Chief Explorers in Taka and Neighbouring Districts 217
73. The Lega Country 223
74. Inhabitants of the Blue Nile 226
75. Inhabitants of Taka and Neighbouring Districts 232
76. Shukurieh Beja 236