Page:Africa by Élisée Reclus, Volume 1.djvu/496

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west.[1] To what cause is this deviation to be attributed? Is it to be regarded as the result of an error in the calculation, or has there been a change in the axis of the earth itself, which, instead of being fixed, as formerly supposed, has been gradually displaced so far to the west ?

The blocks used in building the pyramids of Gizeh were drawn from the nummulitic formations of Torah and Masarah, which skirt the east bank of the Nile, and which still supply the materials required for the enlargement of Cairo since those obtained from the ruins of Memphis have been exhausted. According to the popular legend, the countless fossils in the stones forming the steps of the J pyramids are the lentils left by the workmen engaged in erecting them. Formerly

Fig. 124.—The Sphinx.

the nummulitic blocks were faced by a smooth limestone resembling marble. A portion of these facings even still survives towards the summit of the Pyramid of Khephren, but no trace remains of the hieroglyphics which at one time decorated the surface of these monuments.

The passages in the interior, so disposed as to lead treasure-seekers astray, and prevent them from penetrating to the sepulchral chambers, are faced in granite. After long subterranean explorations, archælogists have at last discovered the sarcophagi of the sovereigns for whom these vast burial-places were prepared. That of Khufu is still in situ in its vaulted chamber. The blocks of black granite

  1. Flinders Petrie, "The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh.”