Page:Africa by Élisée Reclus, Volume 1.djvu/555

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APPENDIX L m UPPER NUBLL Appmximate area 224,000 iq. milM. £aUuiuU'U popuktion 3,000,000 Towxt or UrptB Nvbu. Bimbashi (Fadaai), population Famaka (Pasogl) ,, Soaerea, populalion according to Belt ram Karkoj „ .... Sen&r „ .... Wod-^Iodinch, population according to Mamo Meflsalamieh ,, „ I>ijean Ahit-Ahras ,. ,, Mukhtar l>oka. }>opulation according to Mukhtar Khurtum, population in 1882 Hulfa} a ,, according to the Englitth staff Shendi ,, „ „ „ (io8-Rejeb „ ,, ,, Rokchy . Filik „ ,, . „ Galubat (Mctammch), p<^*pulation according to Caprolti Suk Abu-Sin, population Kaaaala, population in 1882. Ed-Damer, population according to the English ataff Berber, population in 1882 .... Suakin and El-Kef, population in 1882 Tokar, population .... Export trade of Suakin in 1879 . . Shipping in 1880, according to Amici, 768 vessels of 171,681 tons. 1,000 2 000 8,000 2,000 8,000 2,000 18,000 7,000 5,500 70,000 3,500 2,500 1,500 1,000 8,000 3,000 10,000 2.000 10,000 11,000 4,000 £256,000 KORDOFAN. Approximate area 100.000 sq. miles. Estimated population 300,000 Chief Exports to Eotpt bbforb the War. Ostrich feathers £86,000 Gums 55,000 Hides and skins 2>50O £143,500 Tolal trade of Kordofin, according to Prout, in 1876: Imports, £50,000; Exports, £132,600. Total, £182,500. Chief Towns op KordopIit. El-Obeid, population before the war 30,000 AbuoHaruz Melbeis . Bars • dar-f6r. Approximate area 200,000 sq. miles. Population according to Nachtigal .... 4.000,000 Mason 1,500,000