Page:Africa by Élisée Reclus, Volume 1.djvu/561

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APPENDIX I. 457 Postal Simtici (18S3). Lett«TB pocted to foreign countriet 2,407,000 Newspapers, books, packages, &o 1,305,000 Letters posted for the interior 4,196,713 Books, kc., „ „ 1,741,000 Total 9,709,713 Vital Statistics. Tears. Birtli*. 1873 184.742 1874 177,732 1875 182,820 1876 186679 1877 173,629 Deaths. Ezeess of Births. 133.720 51.022 144,024 32 808 119,012 62.908 132,008 64.671 138,668 34,861 Edi'catioxal Returns. Attendance at all Mohammedan schooLi in 1820 „ „ „ 1866 >t »» »f ISIZ If M »> 18(8 Mohammedan M-houls in 1878 .... Foreign schuoLt in 1880 Attendance, 6,419 natives ; 5,828 fonigners. 3,000 60,000 90,000 137,550 6,370 152 Kewnpapcri (1879) French, 9 ; Arabic, 7 ; Italian, 6 ; Greek, 3; Sundries, 5. Total 29. FINANCE (1883). Re%'b.ub. Revenae from land and other direct contributions . . . £6,367,684 Indirect rcve-nucs, including customii, posts, octrois, and salt>tax . 1,854,294 Railway and telegraphs 389,104 Totol £7,611,082 Expexditurb. Tribute to Turkey £678,397 Public debt 3,318,164 Coat of administration 4,165,367 Totol £8,181,918 Surplus £670,886 PCBUC DSBT. Unified 4 per cent £56.726.420 Privileged debt 22,440,800 Domain loans at 6 p'^r cent 8,254,820 Daira Sanioh loans at 4 to 6 per cent 8,991,820 Floating debt, estimated at 6,000,000 Turkish debt secured upon the tribute 11,918,800 Loan gusrantced by the Powers in 1886 7,000,000 Total £120,838,600