Page:Africa by Élisée Reclus, Volume 1.djvu/578

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I. — The Egyptian Dynasties.

The subjoined table gives the date of the beginning of each of the old Egyptian dynasties as preserved in Manetho's Chronology, according to the interpretations of M. Mariette, Professor Lepsius, and Sir Gardner Wilkinson.

Marlette. Lepsius. Wilkinson.
Dynasties. b.c. b.c. b.c.
I. 5004 3892 2700
II. 4751 3639
III. 4449 3338
IV. 4235 3124 2450
V. 3951 2840
VI. 3703 2740 2240
3500 2592
3400 2522
3358 2674
3249 2565
XI. 3064 2423
XII. 2380 2080
2851 2136
2398 2167
XV. 2214 2101
XVI. 1842
XVII. 1684
XVIII. 1703 1591 1520
XIX. 1462 1443 1310
XX. 1288 1269 1200
XXI. 1110 1091 1085
XXII. 980 961 990
XXIII. 810 787 818
XXIV. 721 729
XXV. 716 716 714
XXVI. 665 685 664
XXVII. 627 625
XXVIII. 406 426
XXIX. 399 399 399
XXX. 378 378 378
Second Persian Conquest. 340 340 340