Page:Alcohol, a Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine.djvu/141

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tion that while withholding alcohol as a beverage, it was given in the medicine. As a matter of fact, it is surprising, when one looks into it, how much alcohol is often given merely as a vehicle for other drugs, and without the special action of alcohol being required or desired. In prescriptions which are to be seen in many text-books, it is not uncommon to find from one to two or three, or even four drachms of rectified spirit in the form of tinctures or spirits. This is very undesirable, If alcohol is needed it should be given in proper measured dose. But if it is not indicated, then it is not well to administer it in this indirect manner.

"Experiments were therefore made, partly at the hospital and specially by Messrs. Southall Bros. & Barclay, of Birmingham, with the result that new non-alcoholic tinctures were made replacing the following alcoholic tinctures and wines: —

Tinct Aloes. Tinct.Hyosciami.
Tinct. Arnicæ. Tinct. Kino.
Tinct. Aurantii. Tinct. Krameriæ.
Tinct. Belladonnæ. Tinct. Limonis.
Tinct. Buchu. Tinct. Lobeliæ.
Tinct. Calumbæ. Tinct. Nucis Vomicæ.
Tinct. Camph. Co. Tinct. Opii.
Tinct. Capsici. Tinct. Ouassiæ.
Tinct. Cascarillæ. Tinct. Rhei.
Tinct. Catechu. Tinct. Scillæ.
Tinct. Chiratæ. Tinct. Serpentariæ
Tinct. Cinchonæ Co. Tinct. Stramonii
Tinct. Cinchonæ Flav. Tinct. Valerianæ
Tinct. Cinnamomæ. Tinct. Valerianæ. Ammon.
Tinct. Colchici Sem. Vin Aloes.
Tinct. Conii. Vin. Colchici Rad.
Tinct. Digitalis. Vin. Colchici Sim.
Tinct. Ferri Acet. Vin. Ipecac.
Tinct. Ferri Perchlor. Vin. Opii.
Tinct. Gentiani Co. Vin. Rhei.