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THe Book is a long conference of God, the Angels, and Mahomet, which that Falſe Prophet very groſly invented; ſometimes he introduceth God, who ſpeaketh to him, and teacheth him his Law, then an Angel, anon the Prophets, and frequently maketh God to ſpeak in the plurall, in a ſtile that is not ordinary. He declaimeth againſt ſuch as worſhip of Idols, particularly againſt the Inhabitants of the City of Mecca, and against the* The Coreis were a powerfull family in Arabia, in Mahomets time. * Coreis, who were enemies to his deſigne. He intitules this book the Alcoran, as one would ſay the Collection of Precepts: He likewiſe termed it El Forcan, that is, that diſtinguiſheth good from evill: He divided it into many Chapters, to which he gave what inſcription he thought good: he moſt commonly intituleth them with words that are in their firſt line, without regard to the matter they
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