Page:Alices adventures in Cambridge.djvu/69

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"I don't like all poetry," Alice said.

"But you will like this," said the White Knight. "It 's my own invention."

He then began in a sing-song voice:

"I'll tell thee everything I can
In sober mood and tense.
"I saw a little Eli man
A-sitting on a fence.
"'Who are you, little man?' I said,
'And how do you come here?'
"And his answer trickled through my head,
Escaping by one ear.


"He said, 'I tap for Skull and Bones
Beneath the Campus trees,
"And beat my head against the stones
When they all go to Keys;
"But Owen Johnson's spoiled our fun,
Our tombs are dark and cold;
"And Sophomores from us do run,
And won't do what they're told.'


"But I was thinking of a scheme
To make all Students work
"By putting over them, as Dean,
An energetic Turk.
"So, having missed what he had said,
With a forbidding frown,

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