Page:Allan Octavian Hume, C.B.; Father of the Indian National Congress.djvu/135

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what is probably the only collection of North Isles (Shetland and the Orkneys) plants in Europe, also left instructions at his death for that and his other collections to be made over to Mr. Hume.

"Incessant industry was Mr. Hume's own practice, and he very naturally expected every one about him to follow him in this respect. He was intensely impatient with anything approaching idleness or lack of interest in their work on the part of those whom he employed, but, at the same time, most considerate and generous in the case of sickness. Those who knew him best could not but entertain for him reverent esteem and affection, and we who constituted his botanical staff feel that we have lost not only a considerate employer, but a fatherly friend."