Page:Amazing Stories Volume 15 Number 10.djvu/140

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Amazing Stories will publish in each issue a selection of letters from reader. Everybody is welcome to contribute. Bouquets and brickbats will have an equal chance. Inter-reader correspondence and controversy will be encouraged through this department. Get in with the gang and have your say.



Though not one of your regular readers—only buying Amazing when some unusual attraction is featured—the last two issues (August and Sept.) have been so good that I am almost tempted to become one.

The attraction that prompted me to buy the September number is, as you may have guessed, "Enchantress of Lemuria." This interesting and compelling yarn fully justified my expectations and easily ranks first on the list of favorites. So that's why you changed the title of Schachner's piece in FA from "The Enchantress" to "Return of Circe"—the titles would have been too alike.

Following at a respectable distance behind, in second place, is "Mutiny In Space" with "Ferdinand Finknodle's Perfect Day" in third. No comment on these two except to ask for more of the Rhyming Bard of Space.

Not such a bad cover, though I consistently prefer Paul's back covers. Fuqua may be master of the gadget, but Paul is still master of the machine and of mechanical drawing. As for the interior work, by far the best pic was drawn by Krupa for "Dr. Loudon's Experiment."

Bill Stoy,
140-92 Burden Crescent,
Jamaica, N.Y.

It would be a good idea for you to become a regular reader. You "ain't seen nothin'" yet! And we'll have the Bard back before long.—Ed.

"One of these days an Earthman WON'T crash and then you'll lose your junk business."



Here's the way I rate the August issue:

1—Of course the Burroughs story is first, but not as good as usual.

2—"The Man Who Got Everything” was second. There were too many details.

3—"Mr. Muddle Does As He Pleases" was a real story.

4—"You Ought To Be Dead" was very good. A friend said the author should have been dead, but on that I could not agree.

5—"Taxi to Jupiter" was mixed up. Had to read it twice.

6—"Kid Poison" should have stayed with his box tops.

Amazing is not the best mag on the market. Fantastic has it beat ten ways, but of course Burroughs makes it have the best story on the market. This is only my opinion, but I buy each magazine every month.

Tom Ludowitz,
2232 Rainier,
Everett, Washington.



Your last issue was very good, especially "Survivors From 9,000 B. C." Please have more stories like that. Tell Wilcox to write some more stories of Lester Allison and June O'Neil on Mercury.

Give us an issue with just interplanetary adventure in it, will you?

Robert Haseltine,
105 South Main Street,
Elroy, Wisconsin.

Okay, Bob, we'll comply with BOTH requests. We'll have an interplanetary issue again.—Ed.

(Continued on page 142)