Page:Amazing Stories Volume 15 Number 12.djvu/142

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World's Greatest Collection of Strange & Secret Photographs

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(Continued from page 140)

in the last year. Since Amazing Stories changed hands, it has been making a steady but sure crawl up to the leadership of the science fiction field. You have done some great work.

I would like to see Finlay and Rogers do some work for you. Please ask Mr. Krupa to practice a little more on his humans. They're awful.

Are you going to give us another big issue like your 15th Birthday issue?

Why don't you reprint those old favorites, the Doctor Smith stories? We new riders get green with envy because we haven’t read them.

Bobby Burkhart,
406 N. Cherry Street,
Florence, Alabama.

Finlay is coming, in our next issue, which is exactly what you want—a big issue like our birthday surprise. Hope you like this second big one!

It has been a surprising fact, but those old "Classics" every time they have been reprinted anywhere, are distinct flops. You see, the art of writing science fiction has advanced so much, that you new readers are getting a much better brand of story than those old decade-ago yarns. You'd be disappointed in many of the stories you "envy" we feel sure. So that's why we don't use reprint material at all. Besides, it's not fair to today's authors, who must live too.—Ed.



You asked in the Editor’s Notebook of Fantastic Adventures for lists of favorite stories, eh? Well, how about Amazing? The July, 1940 number is as good as any for a beginner.

July, '40—The Monster Out of Space.
August—The Incredible Theory of Dr. Penwing.
September—The Man Who Never Lived.
October—The Voyage That Lasted 600 Years.
November—Revolt on the Tenth World.
December—Adam Link Fights a War.
January, '41—Mystery Moon.
February—Battering Rams of Space.
March—The Man Who Lived Next Week.
April—Big Man.
May—The Lost Race Comes Back.
June—Black Pirates of Barsoom.
July—Survivors From 9,000 B. C.
August—Yellow Men of Mars.
September—Enchantress of Lemuria.
October—Mystery of the Martian Pendulum.

Milton Lesser,
2302 Ave. O,
Brooklyn, N. Y.

Doubtless many readers will disagree on some of your selections, but you certainly have done a fine job of selecting good yarns. Any book with those stories collected in it ought to be well worth ten times what its actual price would be. You've named a lot of our own personal favorites!—Ed.

(Concluded on page 144)