Page:Amazing Stories Volume 15 Number 12.djvu/4

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THE SECRET OF PLANETOID 88 (Novel) by Ed Earl Repp 10

Dane Cabot's heritage was a secret from his dead father—of a great sleeping army on another world.

BANDITS OF TIME (Novelet) by Ray Cummings 62

He called himself Tork, and he wanted Bob and Doris to come with him into time to found a new empire.

RAYHOUSE IN SPACE (Short) by Duncan Farnsworth 82

Claude Kelvin looked at the savage krickack as a biologist would, and forgot to be properly afraid.

THE ODDS ON SERGEANT SHANE (Short) by John York Cabot 98

Not even Sergeant Shane could explain how he expected to win by calling tails on a two-headed coin!

PLANET OF LOST MEN (Short) by P. F. Costello 110

Dirk Temple was a wastrel, and soft; so landing on this hell world was a pretty sad thing for him!

THE MAN WHO WASN'T HIMSELF (Short) by Alexander Blade 130

Perdeau had a great idea; borrow another man's body, commit witnessed murder, then return it . . .


The Observatory 8

Insects—Friend or Foe? 81

Terrible Trees 97

Jupiter's Striped Jacket 124

World's Greatest Goldfish Bowl 125

Scientific Mysteries 126

Odd Science Facts 129

Discussions 139

Correspondence Corner 144

A City on Callisto 145

Front cover painting by Rod Ruth, illustrating a scene from "The Secret of Planetoid 88"
Back cover painting by Frank R. Paul, depicting "A City on Callisto"
Illustrations by Rod Ruth, Jay Jackson; John Charles Thomon; Joe Sewell
Cartoons by Magarian; Marvin Townsend; R. Newman

Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations
William B. Ziff, Publisher; B. G. Davis, Editor
Raymond A. Palmer, Managing Editor; Herman R. Bollin, Art Director; H. G. Strong, Circulation Director

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