Page:Amazing Stories v08n02 1933-05.djvu/98

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T HEY thought it couldn’t be

done — but look at me now ! j I used to be a skinny, scrawny weakling weighing only 97 pounds.

Only half alive; too sickly for sports; afraid to put up my fists.

THEN I discovered Dynamic Ten- sion ! — the amazing method that gave me the body which twice won the title, “The World’s Most Per- fectly Developed Man.” And thou- sands of other fellows who have put my secret to work are today the en- vied, he-men LEADERS in any crowd 1

Proof in 7 Days that You, too, can Have a Body Like Mine!

Now I actually guaranteed to show you PROOF in just 7 DAYS that I can give you a body that men will respect and women admire. Are you short-winded?

Do you lack pep, vitality? Are you ashamed of a gawky build — or are you getting fat, soft, flabby?

Let me make you a NEW MAN— with a body of might and muscle, afraid of nothing, ready for the good things and good times of life. I’ll put solid layers of powerful muscle on your back and shoulders. I can build out your chest to husky, he-man size — and give your arms and legs handsome muscles of steel-like strength. I’ll give you vigorous new health, too — banish pim- ples, blemishes, bad breath, poor diges- tion, etc.

Understand, I get results without pills, freak diets, weights or pulleys that might strain your heart or other vital organs. Dynamic Tension is the natural sure way. and I’LL PROVE it! -

Mail the coupon now for my valuable illustrated m book. “Everlasting Health and Strength," filled I with actual photos, vital body facts and full de- _ tails of my "Proof in 7 Days” Dynamic Tension I Guarantee. There’s no risk, no obligation. It’s ■ FREE. Clip and send coupon TODAY to me per- ■ s o n a 1 1 y :


10-5, 133 East 23rd St., New York City.

“ 97 pounds of skin and bones ! ”

-tut now The World’s Most Perfectly Developed Man. ..

City State..

No other Physical In- structor in the World has ever DARED make the Un MAUi muLoC YOU!

CHARLES ATLAS. Dept. 10-5.

133 East 23rd Street, New York City.

I want the proof that your system of Dynamic Tension will make a New Man of me — give me healthy, husky hotly and big muscle development Send me your free book. “Everlasting Health and Strength.”


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© 1933 C„ A. Ltd.