Page:America's Highways 1776–1976.djvu/292

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Mr. Holmes has also received acclaim from abroad. In 1965 he was honored with an invitation to deliver the Sixth Reese Jeffreys Triennial Lecture, Looking 25 Years Ahead in Highway Development in the United States, to the Town Planning Institute, London, England. He was also invited to be the principal speaker at the Australian Road Research Board Conference in 1972 and at the South African Institution of Civil Engineers in 1973.

Ted Holmes is home again in Kingston, Massachusetts, hard by Plymouth. He lives there with his wife of 40 years, the former Elizabeth Boynton of San Francisco. The Holmeses have two sons, Joseph and David, who still reside in the Washington, D.C. area.

Greatly respected and honored in all his fields and activities, Ted Holmes is a highly knowledgeable, yet modest, man with almost limitless energy, practical sense, good humor, and rare analytical talent. He has also been a leader with exceptional foresight and a unique capability for understanding people and for organization and management. As Senator Jennings Randolph stated in the Congressional Record, “He performed a major role in improving the lot of his fellow men by helping to provide the highway facilities a mobile society demands. He has left an indelible mark on the Nation’s highway program.”

When a segment of I-35 was built through this residential section of Minneapolis, Minn., the continuity of the community was preserved by providing bridge structures for pedestrians and local streets over I-35.