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America Fallen

Your land defences are in the hands of the enemy, our battleships are at Vera Cruz, and the lesser units of the Navy, and particularly the destroyers and submarines, were sunk in our navy yards at daybreak. The German fleet, freed from any menace from forts, submarines, destroyers, or our own battleship fleet, is in a position absolutely to destroy New York and take its own time to do it. Our few scattered regulars in the vicinity are concentrating and the National Guard is assembling at its armories. They might in time recapture the forts—though even this is doubtful; for I learn that fresh transports are arriving every hour and the landing of reënforcements is proceeding. Moreover, according to this ultimatum, any further concentration of our troops will bring on the bombardment.

"Mr. Mayor, if you wish to save the city, whose total value, I believe, Mr.