Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/283

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[n. s., 1, 1899

of them. The other party sit opposite, watching closely the action in the muscles of the upper part of his arm; and it is said that adepts can discover the place where the stone is deposited, by observing the change that takes place in those muscles, when the hand ceases to grasp it. Having deposited the stone, the hider withdraws his arm, and with many gestures, separates the contiguous pieces of cloth into five distinct heaps, leaving a narrow space between each. The opposite party, having keenly observed this process, now point with their wands or sticks to the different heaps under which they suppose the stone lies, looking significantly at the same time, full in the face of the man who hid it. He sits all the while, holding his fingers before his eyes to prevent their noticing any change in his countenance, should one of them point to the heap under which it is hidden. Having previously agreed who shall strike first, that individual, looking earnestly at the hider, lifts his rod and strikes a sharp blow across the heap he has selected. The cloth is instantly lifted, and should the stone appear under it, his party have won that hiding with one stroke; if it is not there, the others strike till the stone is found. The same party hide the stone successively, according to their agreement at the commencement of the play; and whichever party discovers it the given number of times, with fewest strokes, wins the game. Sometimes they reverse it; and those win who, in a given number of times, strike the most heaps without uncovering the stone. Occasionally they play for amusement only, but more frequently for money or other articles of value which they stake on the game.

The five puu receive the following names: (1) ki-hi or ki-hi-mo-e, (2) pi-li or pi-li-mo-e, (3) kau, (4) pi-li-pu-ka, (5) ki-hi-pu-ka. These are regarded as corresponding to the following divisions of the night: (1) sunset (?), (2) 9 oclock in the evening, (3) midnight, (4) 3 oclock in the morning, (5) sunrise (?).

Andrews gives pu-pu-he-ne, a row of men in a certain game, presumably pu-he-ne-he-ne. He also defines pe-le, not only as the name