Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/309

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1 6th, Komoktotokya. 17th, Totokya, Totokpee. 18th, Pegumncve. 19th, Navotcinc.

The active secret ceremonies began on the 14th and ex- tended to the 19th. Yunya was the day on which the Walpi chiefs entered their kivas, and Totokya that on which the most important secret rites were performed.

Tcotconyunya, Smoke assembly. The time of the Soyalufla is fixed by Kwatcakwa, Sun-priest of the Patki clan, who deter- mines the winter solstice by means of observations of sunset on the horizon, as elsewhere described. The Smoke assemblage at Walpi occurred after sunset on December 9th, in the house of Anwuci's wife, adjoining the Monkiva^ and was attended by Supela, Kwatcakwa, Sakwistiwa, Kwaa, and Anawita, all chiefs belonging to the Patki clan. The Smoke assemblage at Hano, preliminary to the TUntai, was also held after sunset on December 9th, and was attended by the following chiefs : Anote (Tem£), Sa-towa ; Satele, Ke-towa ; Pocine (Koye), Nan-towa ; Patufltupi, Kolon-towa.

There was no formal notification of T&ntai from the house- tops of Hano on the following morning, the Soyaluna announce- ment from Walpi serving all three pueblos on the East Mesa.

The formal announcement was made by Kopeli at daybreak of December 10th. Hoftyi, the regular tcakntonwi, or town-crier, was snowbound at Keam's Canyon, and consequently was unable to perform this function.

The Smoke assemblage and its formal announcement at day- break on the following morning have been observed in the Snake dance, and in the Flute, New-fire, and Soyaluna ceremonies ; it probably occurs also in the Lalakohti and Mamzrauti. It takes place several days before the Assembly day, when the chief enters the kiva and sets his natci or standard on the kiva hatch to announce that he has begun the ceremonies.

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