Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/365

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��[h, s., i, 1899

�� ��I obtained the Australian song from Dr Carl Lumholtz, who learned it from the people themselves while he was living with them. Curiously enough, it is much more elaborate than either the Dahomey or South Sea Island songs. The harmony naturally implied in it, is the tonic, dominant, and the subdominant sixth, commonly known as the supertonic chord with a seventh. No modern composer could have produced a song with a more defi- nite minor tonality than has this song :



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��I could multiply examples from the Hindoo, Russian, and Chinese, but I give but one more, a Japanese lullaby, which I obtained from M. Takaki, on July 23, 1894. It is in the same old five-tone scale :



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��In the case of races which have progressed beyond folk-song and have a theory of music and musical instruments, we are of course no longer dealing with primitive music ; but it is impor- tant to note that even among these peoples their folk-songs are made on the same five-tone scale that we have found among sav-

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