Page:American History Told by Contemporaries, v2.djvu/234

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Colonial Local Government

William Boyles acquaints ye Cort: that one Robberd michill next heir of Robberd hoskins deceased, is att prsent alyve in England, and that hee ye sd will Boyles is by him ye sd Rob : michill desiered to take Care of ye Estate of ye sd deceased hoskins wth: in this Country;

Upon Complaint of Christiaen Claassen ; ordered that william Baale Give sattisfact : to Cristiaen for what Land hee had Cleared and all further Improovemt ; in Equity

Claes Jansen brings in ye Eare marke for his Cattle & hoggs & desires that ye same may bee recorded ; Granted & is as followeth viz, the foremost syde of yeEars halfe cutt away ;

Justice George Browne appeared and sate in Cort: being hindered to come sooner for want of a passage over ye Creeke ;

Lasse Dalboo Plt
Swen Lom Deft
Jurys names
James Sanderlins Will Boyles John Boeyar harmen Ennis will : orian andries peterss : & oele raesen
The Plt: declares agst: ye deft: for a peece of Land Lying in ye Schuylkill etc. The deft: replyes that hee has had ye first grant & survey & paid quit rent.

The Plt craues a Jury wch: was Granted and ye Jury Impannelled & sworne & ye : Case before them debated, they went out and returning brought in their verdict as followed vizt: wee find for the deft : the Cort: doe passe Judgemt. according to verdict ;

Justice Otto Ernest Coch acquaints the Court, that hee has bought and paid of ye : Indian proprietors: a certaine swampy or marshy Island called by ye Indians quistconck Lying att the upper End of Tinnachkonck Island in ye river opposit andrews Boones Creeke ; and desires ye Corts: approbation. The Cort. haueing well Informed themselves about ye prmisses, doe allow thereof.

Upon ye Peticon of magistr: Jacobus fabritius ; ordered that ye Church wardens of ye Peticonrs: Church doe take care that Every one of those as haue Signed & promissed towards his maintaynance, doe pay him ye sumes promissed, upon payne of Execution agst: ye : deffective ;

Andries Petersen Plt
Jonas Nealson Deft

The deft alleadging that hee was not tymely arrested ; The Case is referred til next Court ;